Page 283 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 283


                   ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPTS AND PRINTED BOOKS.             245

               The   inscription upon the   opposite page    is  copied from
          the oribon painted by Masatami, from which the marks given
          on the preceding page are taken, and       of which   it forms the
          Preface.   It  is  written  upon   yellow  silk, and  is  a superb
          example of caligraphy;    the original page measures iif inches
          by  15J  inches, and   the copy here     given  has been reduced
          in  size  by  Mr. Kawakami, who has        also rendered    it  into
          English   as follows  :
               Those who paint flowering shrubs and        rare grasses can-
          not   do  better  than   conceive   the   spirit  of  their  natural
          power   of growth.     As  to whether    the  branches   should  be
          bending downward      or  looking upward —whether the        leaves
          should be    thick  or  thin— whether the    flowers  should show
          their faces or backs— whether the colours should be deep or
          light— how can we       attain  perfection  unless we  study from
          the very   objects ?  But we    always   find  our power unequal
          to the  task when we come        to  the flowers of some humble
          plants, whose    daintiness   and  brilliancy  dazzle   our  vision,
          and   in which there    is  the sweet colour of   life and growth.
          Indeed, they are beyond the sphere of the       art, because there
          is no surrounding    object by means of which we can impart
          life to the bare flowers.    Therefore  in this pursuit  it  is only
          necessary that we should do our best in preserving tbe shapes,
          the aspects, and peculiarities of the flowers which we intend
          to produce.     Whenever   I  see  a  flower  or  a  grass,  I  never
          fail, in spite  of my meagre ability in painting, to copy    it out,
          so that  it may serve the purpose of a model         in the  future.
           Indeed,  those who are    called Botanists do   not  fail to paint
          plants and their flowers and    fruits, and their roots and stems,
          in  the most minute way        and though    they seem    never  to
          leave one single point untouched, yet they too often spoil the
          style of painting,  and, besides, lose tbe   fine  spirit.  Such  is
          far from what    I desire.  In short,  I know only to satisfy the
          extreme   disposition  of my own     mind, and make      this work
          the treasure of my study.

                                 Ki NO Masatami.      Written by himself.
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