Page 327 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 327
No. 632. No. 633. No. 634. No. 635.
The inscriptions given above are inlaid in gold and
silver on a Writing Case of lacquer decorated with flowers
of engraved gold and silver, in relief. No. 632. Tsumu.
No. 633. Namida. No. 634. Tomo. No. 635. Naranu.
No, 636. Tsuyu. No. 637. Sode. Probably these words
are part of a Japanese ode, but the meaning is not
No. 638. No. 639.
Painted in gold upon modern lacquer; No. 638 upon
a Tray; No. 639 upon a Plaque. The first inscription
reads : Yu-hi-sai. Yuhisai, the name of the maker the
lower mS.rk is his seal. The second reads: Sho-ko-sai Gioku-
ZAN. Shokosai Giokuzan, the name of the maker.