Page 395 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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INDEX.                  —

         Abrashime, 170.                    Awata, district  of, 32, 136.
         A brilliant reign, 343.              mark of, 32, 136.
         Age, 13, 188.
          of makers sometimes given, 85, 327.  Bamboo, the, 316.
         Akahada pottery, 34.                 ware, inventor of, 329.
          where made, 212.                  Banko pottery  :
          marks upon, 212, 213.               characters, new style, 12.
         Akahadayama, 21.                     characters, old style, 12.
         Aidz porcelain, 210.                 marks upon, 181.
        All, character for, 293.              meaning of the word, 12.
        Ameya, originated Raku ware, 35, 125.  ware, 12, 34.
        A myriad, character for, 293.       Bells, ancient bronze, 275, 276.
        An, character for, 21, 22.          Benkei, the servant of Yoshitsune, 305.
        And, character for, 19.             Bishiu (Owari), 296, 300.
        Ansei, the period of, 252.          Biwa, the lake of, 34, 217.
        Anyei, the period  of, 274, 285.    Bizan (painter), ii, 137.
        A poor thing, character  for, 120.    (potter), 41.
        Arita,  33, 72.                     Bizen pottery, marks upon, 2, 207, 327.
        Artist to the prince, 280.          Black lacquer, 274.
        Artists {See Painters).             Black and gold lacquer, 273.
        Artists  their affectation of humility,  Block-printed books, 223.
              20, 120.                      Books, 219.  {See Painting also.)
        Asahi pottery, 34, 218.               analysis of marks upon, 224.
          resemblance to Corean ware, 218.    block-printed, 223.
        Asakusa, district  of, 198.           general name for, 224.
        Asakusa dzu, Makimono entitled, 246.  illuminated, 221, 222.
        Ason, 300.                            manuscript, 221.
        Association, an, character for, 25.   marks upon, 2ig, 236.
        Assumption of titles, 233, 278.       mode of marking, 224.
          of names, 279.                      type-printed, 223.
        Atago Kosai, 191.                     various forms  of, 223.
        A thousand Autumns, 182.              various names for, 223.
        Atsusada, 71, 84.                   Bosu, character for, 229.
        August  II., 2.                     Botan, the, 67.
        Autumn, division of the, 337.       Bowes collection, 8, 37, 39, 40, 233, &c.
        Aventurine lacquer, 274.            Brass, 281, 304, 307, 308, 309, 310.
        Awaji, 33, 213.                     Bronze {See Metals).
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