Page 399 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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                                          INDEX.                            361

           Hichibeye, 145.                    Hoken, 300.
          Hichi no jo, characters for, 226.   Hokigioku, 213.
           Hichisho, 234, 252.                Hokio, the title of, 338.
           Hichozan Fukagawa, 75.             Floku Han, 9, 177.
           Hichozan Jiosen, 83.               Flokuho.   1 12,
           Hichozan Shinpo, 5, 21, 76, 77.    Hokusai, a celebrated painter, 222.
           Hidehisa, 308.                       character of his works, 223.
           Higo pottery, 217.                   marks upon   his  works,  261,  267,
           Higuchi Nansenzan, 5.                    268, 270.
           Hikone, a resident of, 304, 305.   Homin, 329.
            the prince of, regent of Japan, 313.  Hong (Books), description of, 224.
           Hiochiyen, 192, 194.                 (Genuine), 216.
           Hioho, character for, 228, 259.    Honzan, 266.
           Hiozitsu, 76.                      Horaku, 167.
           Hirabayashi, 72.                   Horiuji, the temple of, 221.
           Hirabayashi Tokiu,    192.         Horse, 342.
           Hiraishi Atsuchika, 312.            Hosai Sanzin, 153.
           Hira-kana characters, 14.          Hoseiken, 210.
           Hira-makiye lacquer, 273.          Hours of the day, 342.
           Hirato, 33, 73.                           a, character for, 21, 23.
           Hiromichi, 222.                      a small, character for, 22.
           Hisanaga, 332.                       a summer, character for, 22.
           Historical  tales, characters  for,  232,  the upper story of a, character for, 23.
                248.                          Flousehold gods, 31 1.
           Hitasuke pottery, 208.             Hozan (ivory), 331.
           Hitsu, character for, 19, 228.       (pottery), 150, 154.
           Hitsuji, 342.                      Humble subject,  a, 285.
           Hitsusu, character for, 19, 228.
            how used, 19, 228.                I, 342-
           Hizen pottery  :                    Ichigo Sosentei, 113.
            decoration  of, 2.                Ichiniu, 35.
            Dresden collection of, 2.          Ichinotani, the battle of, 308.
            factories, 37, 38, 74, 85.        Ichiran, character for, 227, 228.
            forged marks upon, 26.            Ichizan, 326.
            manufacture of, 2.                Ide, 5, 91.
            marks upon, 3, 14, 43.            Ideme family of carvers, 321, 322, 328.
            marks upon ancient wares, 2.      Idzumi, pottery, 216.
            marks upon imitation wares, 4.      the ruler of, 315.
                                              Idzumo pottery, 216.
            marks upon modern wares, 5.
             Nagasaki wares, 5.               Illuminated MSS. (See Books).
            spur marks, 47.                   Imado, district  of, 195, 197.
             the name of Hizen,  33, 72.      Imitations of cloisonne enamels, 275.
             towns in Hizen,  33, 74.         Imono, character for, 278.
           Hogan, the title of, 79, 234, 252.  Ink, stick  of, inscription upon, 336.
           Hogiukuyen, 24                       makers of, 336.
           Hogiokuyen Senpachi, 177,           Inkstone, inscription upon, 333.
           Hokei, 331.                         Inu, 342.
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