Page 403 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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INDEX. — — 365
Lacquer ware Marks and Seals upon : continued.
Workers ; continued. mirrors, 279, 297, &c.
Usuke, 286. netsuke, 322.
Yamakawa, 287. paper money, 332, 333.
Yoshikawa, 286. pearl work, 325, 336.
Yuhisai, 289. plaster work, 281, 337.
Longevity, 13, 187, 188, 296. pottery [See pottery),
emblems of, 316. printed books, 219.
Long Spring, 55. stone work, 281, 325, 332, 335-337.
Luck, 55, 58, &c. swords and guards, 276, 297, &c.
Lucky day, character for, 277. wood carvings, 276, 319.
Mark of, the [See seal).
Made by, character for, 15, i6,'2j6, 277. Masahiro, 331.
by two workmen together, character Masakazu Ichishido, 329.
for, 19, 71. Masanobu (metal), 310.
by command, character for, 80. (ivory), 331.
for demand, characters for, 18, 109. Masashige Nishimura, 302.
in, character for, 15, 16. Masatami, 243.
respectfully, character for, 18. preface to his work, 245.
with care, character for, 18. the seal of, 338.
Makes this, character for, 17, 18, 277, Masatoshi Katsuyama, 316.
Maki, 224. Masatsugu, 334.
Makimono, description of, 223. Masayasu Fujiwara, 313.
Makuzuhara, district of, 32, 148. Masks, historical characters repre-
Makuzu Kozan [See Miyakawa Ko- sented in, 321.
zan). marks upon, 321, 322, 323, 328.
Manga, character for, 231. used by actors, 321.
Manji, the period of, 234, 236. as netsuke, 322.
Map, character for, 230. Makers of :
Man, the character, 293. Ideme, 323.
Manreki, the period of, 30, 31, 51, 53, Jobun, 323.
166, 213. Migimitsu Ideme, 322, 323.
Marks and Seals upon Mitsuhisa Ideme, 322.
books, 219. Mitsunao, 321.
brasswork, 281, 304. Shigeyasu, 321.
bronzes, 276, 297, 301. Tohaku Ideme, 321.
copper work, 306. Uyemitsu Ideme, 322, 328.
embroidery, 338. Master, the, character for, 22.
Masukichi. Kamamoto,
enamels, 291, 334. 9, 161, 162,
gilt metal work, 300. 163, 164, 165.
illuminated mss, 219. Matsu, 316.
ink and inkstone, 333, 336. Matsudaira Satsuma no kami, 5, 89.
iron work, 276, 297, &c. Matsumoto, 142.
ivory carvings, 276, 319, &c. Matsumoto Hoyen, 169, 191.
lacquer ware, 283. Matsushita o, 303.
masks, 321. Meiji, the period of, 28, 154, 192, 317.
metal work, 276, 297. meaning of the word, 343.