Page 406 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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368 INDEX. — .
No dzu, character for, 20. Oribon, description of, 223.
No in, character for, ii, log, 116, 132, Osaka, 34, 121
325. 338- Osinokozi, 150.
No sho, character for, 338. Ota pottery, imitations of Satsuma,
examples of no in and no sho, 338. 205.
Nonko, 35, 125. marks upon, 205.
Nonomura Ninsei [See Ninseij. origin of, 205.
Norinobu, 238. Ota Sukehisa, 300.
No to, 341, Oumai, the, 63.
No ye, 341. Owari (last volume), character of,
Number, character for, 92, 227. 225, 226.
Owari, the province of, 33.
O (old man), 108, 327. cloisonne enamel on copper made
Of the elder brother, 342. here, 296.
Of the younger brother, 342. political division in which situated,
Ohi pottery, 120. 33, 168, 171.
Ohokawachi, character of the potter)’ towns in, 8, 33, 162, 166, 296.
made at, 37. Pottery :
factory of, 37, 80. cloisonne decoration, 26, 166.
marks upon the pottery made there, decoration of, 8.
38, 74- forged Chinese marks used, 26.
Oite, character for, 22. marks upon, 2, 8, 32, 159.
significance of, 22. principal makers, 161, 166.
Okada Zenzayemon Nobumasa, 308. Seto, the town of, 8, 162.
Okamura (Oka-Chiu), 194. Setomono, meaning of, 85.
Old-established potter, characters for, sometsuke porcelain first made, 8.
8, no. stoneware made in, 2, 161.
Old Japan porcelain, 2. Ox, 342.
collection at Dresden of, 2. Oya Sagami, 306.
decoration of, 2, 39.
exportation of, 2. Painted by, character for, 19, 228.
forged Chinese marks upon, 26. in colours, character for, 19, 20, g8,
imitations of, 4. 191.
marks upon, 3, 45. in colours by, character for, 20.
origin of, 2. respectfully, character for, 229.
Painters (Books): —
principal maker of, 39.
Omi pottery, 217. Chikanobu, 237.
the province of, 304, 305. Chinkakei, 249.
metal work made in, 304, &c. Doshun, 238.
Omori Hidemasa, 307. Genboku Giokudo, 240.
On, 257. Hiromichi, 222.
examples of the word, 257, 2S0. Hokusai, 222, 267, 268, 270.
significance of the word, 279, 280. Honzan, 266.
On-chaire, 280, 327. Isai, 266.
On-daikushi, 280, 301. Iwasa Matabei, 222.
On-koro, 280, 300. Kano Masanobu, 222.
Onono Komachi, 176. Kikushiu, 263.