Page 404 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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366 INDEX. —— —
Meisho, character for, igg, 231. Metal works :
Meizan, i6g, igg, 200. Workers in metal : continued.
Metal, 341. Toshisada Fujiwara, 301.
Metal works, 275. Unjiu, 31 1.
assumption of historic names by Yasuchika, 3og.
makers, 2jg, Yasunori, 31 1.
assumption of titles by makers, zyg. See also mirror makers.
bronze figures and bells made in Mi, 342.
ancient times, 275, 276. Migakite pottery, 208.
character of marks upon, 276. Migimitsu Ideme, 322.
conceit of mirror makers, ayg. Mikado’s crests, the, 3, 3g, 40.
destruction of early works, 275, 276. the use of them forbidden, 40.
early examples of bronzes, 275, 276. variations in the drawing of, 40.
marks upon, brasswork, 281, 304. Mikawachi, factory of, 33, 38, 73. 74,
bronzes, 276, 2gy, 301. 76, 78, yg, 80.
copperwork, 306. pottery, character and decoration,
gilt metal, 300. 38.
ironwork, 276, 2gy, &c. Mimasaki, province of, 286.
mirrors, 2jg, 2gy, &c. Minato yaki, 34, 216
swords and sword-guards, 276, Minenobu, 237.
2gy, &c. Ming, the dynasty of, 4, 2g.
Workers in metal — Mino porcelain, character of marks
Chiomin, 314. upon, 215.
Goro Masamune, 2gg. decorated in Tokio, igg, 202.
Hamano Kizui, 306. marks upon, 215.
Hidehisa, 308. Minpei, 213.
Hiraishi Atsuchika, 312. Miogi mountain, g, 21, 164.
Hironobu, 306. Mirrors, 276.
Hogioku, 317. assumption of names by makers of,
Jiseitei Shoshin, 310.
279 -
Jogetsusai Hiroyoshi, 305. conceit of makers of, 2yg
Juzan, 305. decoration of, 301, 302, 312, 316.
Komai, 3og. marks upon, 277, 2gy.
Kunitaka, 3og. Makers of:
Masanobu, 310. Fujiwara, 313.
Matsushita o, 303. Masashige Nishimura, 302.
Mitsuhiro, 3og. Masatoshi Katsuyama, 316.
Nagaharu, 304, 307. Masayasu Fujiwara, 313.
Naomasa, 31 1. Mitsunaga Fujiwara, 314.
Okada Zenzayemon Nobumasa, Mitsushige, 2gy, 316.
308. Mitsushige Jimura, 310.
Omori Hidemasa, 307. Sadatsugu, 316.
Oya Sagami, 306. Tomoyoshi, 316.
Shigehisa, 307. Uwajima, 315.
Soten, 31 1. Yoshikatsu Nishimura, 314.
Soteng Mogarashi, 304, 305, 308. Yoshinao Fujiwara, 312.
Torajiro Murakami, 317. Mito, province of, 285.