Page 401 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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INDEX.                            363

          Kaga pottery —impressed marks  sel-  Kato Kiyomasa, 303.
                dom used upon, g6.            Kawamoto Masukichi {See Masukichi).
              marks upon, 6, 93.              Kayei, the period of, 28, 157, 263.
              middle-period ware, 7, 107, 109.  Kayo, 33, 106, 107
              modern ware, 8, 96.             Kazusa, 286.
              polychromatic ware, 95, 96.     Kei, character for, 230.
              use of gold in the decoration  of,  Ken, character for, 21, 23.
                6, 97.                        Kenriu, the period of, 4, 30, 31, 54, 55.
          Ka, 341.                            Kenzan (Owari), 175.
            Kanoto, 341.                      Kenzan. Shisui, 20, 21, 128, 129.
            Kanoye, 341.                        copies Ninsei’s work, 128.
          Kai, 92.                              his pottery esteemed by the Chajin,
          Kairakuyen, 126, 21 1.                    128.
          Kairo Shiuhei, 154.                 Kenya.  Miura,  Imitates  Kenzan’s
          Kaishi, character for, 230,               mark, 198.
          Kaisho style of writing, 14.        Khang-hi, the period  of, 30, 31, 53.
          Kakimono, description of, 224.      Khien-long, the period of,  30, 31
          Kaku, 13, 188.
                                                    54. 55-
          Kamanokiu ka, 8, no.                Ki [potter]  , 215.
          Kamei Shokin, poem by, 294.         Ki, 341.
          Kanagaye, 72.                         Kinoto, 341.
          Kanei Shokin, poem by, 294.           Kinoye, 341.
          Kanasawa,  33, 120.                 Kia-tsing, the period of,  4, 30, 31, 48,
                                                    49> 50.
          Kanda, the school of painting of, 233,
                257-                          Kichi, 208.
          Kanesige, 214.                      Kichi nichi, character for, 277.
          Kanjin Chiodo, 337.                 Kichi sho nichi, character for, 277.
          Kano, the school of painting of, 222.  Kichiko, 155.
            when established, 222.            Kichizayemon,  35, 126.
            celebrated  representatives  of^  222,  Kifu {See Kii).
                234, 237, 238.                Kii, 34.
            character of the works  of, 222.    pottery, 21 1.
            family of, 222, 234, 237, 238.      stone carving, 332.
            patronage of the Shogunate, 222, 234.  Kiju, 173.
            seal of, 252.                     Kiko, the, 66.
          Kano Masonobu, 222.                 Kiku crest, examples  of,  39, 41, 6g.
          Kanrakusai  {See Tosan Kanrakusai).   how used,  3, 39.
          Kan-wu, 31 1.                       Kikushiu, 263.
          Kanzan, 144.                        Kiln, 25, 82.
          Karatzu, the kiln  of, 85.          Kinjio, 33,  120.
          Karatzumono, 85.                    Kinjio, the pottery of, 120.
          Kasei, the period of,  4, 30, 31, 48, 50,  Kinkosha 24, 157, 191, 195.
                288.                          Kinkosha ni oite, 24, igi.
          Kashu, 33, 106, 307.                Kinkozan, 10, 140, 141.
          Kasuga, the temple of, 336.         Kinkwado, characters for, 262.
          Kata-kana characters, 14.           Kinoshita Naomasa, 117.
          Kato Kishitaro, 176.                Kinrande style of decoration, 36.
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