Page 396 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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358 INDEX. — — —
Buddhist Inferno, the, 259. Christ, representation of the baptism
Bungo, the governor of, 302. of, 4, 46.
Bunjinga, the school of, 223. Christianity, introduction of into
Bunkwa, the period of, 27, 80, 243. Japan, 4.
Bunsei, the period of, 222. Chrysanthemum, the, 64.
Burlesque of poem by Kamei Shokin, Cloisonne Enamels (See Enamelling).
294. Cock, 342.
Bushiu, the prince of, 310. Collected or Arranged, character for,
Calendar signs, 341, 342. Collection of pictures, character for, 231.
Carves, character for, 281. Combination of characters forming
Casting, a, character for, 278. names, 24.
Celadon pottery, 74, 211. Comb-style mark, 38.
Chajin, 35, 64, 128. Company, character for, 25.
Chanoyu, 35, 64. Contraction of names, 98, loi.
Chikanobu, 237. Copied, character for, 20, 229.
Chikuzen, Takatori pottery made in, Copies of works, 20, 229.
215. Copper sword-guards, 306.
Chinese characters used in Japan, 14. Corean potters, 2, 35, 218.
characters, various styles of, 14. Cottage, a, character for, 23.
marks forged in Japan, 4, 6, 26, 30, Crests :
of the Mikado, 3, 39, 40, 41.
45 )
poetry, 9, &c. of the Prince of Bizen, 38.
pottery, i, 3. of the Prince of Satsuma, 5, 36, 89.
year-periods, 3, 29. of the Shogunate, 37.
Chinkakei, 249. of the Prince of Soma, 41.
Chiokoku, character for, 281. used as marks upon pottery, 3.
Chiokusho Songsha, ii, 137. used in decorating pottery, 38.
Chiomin, 314.
Chiomotshu-shi, character for, 281, Dai (Great), character for, 29.
332- Dai (Number), character for, 227.
Chioshiu, character for, 281, 309. Daikushi, 280.
Chiounsai (See Rioyen Chiounsai). Dai Ming, 29, 45, 46, 48, 51, 53.
Chiozo, 296. Dai Nippon, 32.
Chitsu, character for, 227. Daioken Takamune, 170.
Chiu, character for, 225. Dai Thsing, 29, 53, 54, 55.
Chiusensai, 24. Day of lucky omen, character for, 277.
Cho, 207. Decoration of pottery :
Chogetsu, 192. Kaga, 6, 38.
Choji, the, 65. Kioto, 36, 40, 134.
Chojiro family, 35, 125. Hizen, 2, 37.
seals of the, 35, 125. Owari, 9.
Chokio, the period of, 222. styles of:
Choniu, 35. kinrande, 36, 134.
Choshiu, the province of, 280, 308. nishikide, 2.
Choshun, 55. sometsuke, 8.
Chososai Saiko, 200. in various colours, 19.