Page 400 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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362 — INDEX.
Iron [See Metals). Iwasa Matabei founds a school of
Isai’s rules of painting, 266. painting, 222.
Ise pottery, 12, 179. Iwata Seibei, 168.
Banko ware, 12. Iwayagama, 80.
character of marks upon, 12. Iwazo, no, in.
character of the ware, 12.
marks upon, 179. Japan, names for, 32, 187, 286.
principal makers, 181. Japanese characters, Hira-kana, 14.
where made, 181. Kata-kana, 14.
Isiwatari Tikuyen, 193. Japanese Nengo, 25.
Itoguiri mark, 2, 161. Japanese palace at Dresden, 2.
Itsukiodo, 1 16. Japanese pottery, character of marks
Ivory carvings, 271, 276. upon, I.
marks upon, 281, 319. (See pottery also.)
skill of modern artists, 276. Ji, 217.
netsuke, 324, &c. Jikkwan signs, the, 341, 343.
Engravers in ivory: combination with the Jiuni Shi
Giokuju Hiyoroku, 330. signs, 343.
Hisanaga, 332. composition of, 341.
Hokei, 331. derivation of, 341.
Homin, 329. meaning of, 341.
Hozan, 331. Jiseitei Shoshin, 310.
Josetsu Hokurakusai, 326. Jiu (longevity), 13, 187, 188, 296.
Kominsai, 330. Jiu (resident), character for, 280.
Kou, 325. Jiuni Shi signs, the, 342, 344.
Kuaroku, 334. combinations with the Jikkwan
Masahiro, 331. signs, 342.
Masakazu Ichishido, 329. list of, 342.
Masanobu, 331. uses of, 342.
Masatsugu, 334. Jiunin, character for, 280.
Mitsuhisa, 330. Jo, character for, 225.
Riuhc, 337. Jogetsusai Hiroyoshi, 305.
Sakurai, 335. Josetzu Hokurakusai, 326.
Seigioku Ideme, 328. Juraku, 114, 118.
Shojusai, 326. Juzan, 305.
Tamiya, 331.
Taninaga, 330. Kacho factory, 119.
Tomiharu, 324. Kachoken, 8, 104, 105, 119.
Tomochika, 331. Kaga, various names for the province
Toshiaki Shimamura, 335. of, 33> 106.
Toshimasa Shimamura, 335. metal work made in, 307.
Toshitaka Shimamura, 325, 335, pottery :— ancient examples of, 6, 95,
336- 97 -
Iwaki pottery, 41. character of marks upon, 6, 32, 38.
Iwakurazan, 152. Chinese year-periods forged upon,
Iwami, the province of, ivory carving, 6, 26, 97.
324- early ware, 7, 95, 112.