Page 397 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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INDEX. — —— 359
Denko, 206. Enamelling on copper, probable use of
Designed, character for, 281. ancient works, 275.
Destruction of ancient bronzes, 275, Makers :
276. Giokushodo, 293.
Difficulty in translating inscriptions, Chiozo, 296.
232, 233. painted, inscription upon, 334.
Disciple of a School, character for, Engrave, to, chai'acter for, 281.
233 - Engraved, character for, 281.
Division of time in Japan, 341. Engraver, character for, 281.
Do [temple or hall] character for,
, Enjoy, to, 13.
21, 23. Enjoyment, a seal, 35.
[wood carver] , 323. Everlasting enjoyment, a seal, 36.
Dochiu Tokai, Makimono entitled, 247. European pottery, character of marks
Dohachi, 10, 130, 131. upon, I.
imitates raku pottery, 130.
Doniu, 148. Factories (Pottery):
Doshun, 238. Chiusensai, 193.
Dragon, 342. Kacho, 1 19.
Draw, to, character for, 19. Karatzu, 85.
Drawing, a, character for, 20. Kinjio, 120.
Dresden collection, 2, 3, 45, See. Kinko, 24, 157, 191, 192, 195.
Duplication of the Jikkwan characters, Kinto, 24, III.
341- Kinun, 24, 135.
Dzu, character for, 20, 230. Kiyen, 25, 212.
Dzufu, character for, 231. Koran, 74.
Dzusu (designed), character for, 281. Kutani, 38.
(painted by), character for, 228. Mikawachi, 38.
Dzuye, charactei for, 230, 231. Ohokawachi, 37.
Shigaraki, 217.
Earth, 341. Shinkai, 71.
Earthquakes, 275. Yeisei, iig.
Edokoro, department of, 221. Yenso, 24.
the character, 257. Yofu, 12, 185.
Egg-shell porcelain, 73, 200. Factory, composition of the word, 22.
when first .made in Japan, 78. master of the, 22, 25,
Embroidery, mark upon, 338. Faithful views, character for, 231.
Enamelling on copper (Cloisonne), Famaguri shell, 40.
274 Famous places, character for, 199,231.
distinctive character of Japanese Fire, 341.
works, 275. Flowers and plants used as marks
imperial insignia upon old examples, upon pottery :
275 - Botan, 3, 67.
introduction of the art from China, Cherry, 65.
274- Choji, 65.
marks upon, 291. Chrysanthemum, 64, 65.
marks very seldom used, 275. Clove, 65.
modern imitations, 26, 166, 275. Happy Mushroom, 66.