Page 402 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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3^4 INDEX. —
Kinriuzan, view of, 287. Koro Sanzin, 185.
Kinsaku, characters for, 18. Kosei Seiuntei, 149.
Kintosha 24, in. Koshiu, the province of, 304, 305.
Kinunken, 24, 135. Kosuiden, Makimono entitled, 253.
Kioho, the period of, 238. Koto, 34, 217.
Kiokea Heyza, 171. Kou, 325.
Kiokuzan, 21, 97, g8, 99, 120. the seal of, 338.
Kiomidzu, district of, ii, 32, 131, 148. Kozan {See Miyakawa Kozan).
Kioto, name used as an inscription, 32. Kozuke, the province of, 9.
metal work, 309. Kuao Songsha, 137.
pottery:—character of marks upon, Kuaroku, 334.
10. Kubetsu-jo, Oribon entitled, 243.
marks upon, 10, 123. Kuhen, character for, 226, 227.
marks upon faience, 10. Kuko, 210.
marks upon porcelain, 10, ii. Kuroku, 8, 12 1.
principal impressed marks, 10. Kushide mark, 38, 80.
origin of artistic pottery, 40. Kusunoki Tamonhioye Masashige, 299.
origin of raku ware, 35. Kutani, district of, 6, 95.
origin of sometsuke porcelain, 131. impressed mark seldom used, 96.
Kiraku, 154. mark of, 6, 32, 95, 96.
Kiri crest, 40, 41. mark used in Owari, 177.
Kisaki Manki, 106. old style of mark, 97 {See also Kaga).
Kishiro, 212. Kuwai-sha, character for, 25.
Kiso, 14, 81, 82. Kuwana, 181.
Kisui, 157. Kuwan ko, character for, 25, 82.
Kitei, II, 131, 132. Kwa-bo, 313.
makes porcelain, 131. Kwambun, the period of, 222.
Kiuraku, 150.
Kiusaku, 328. Lacquer ware, 271.
Kiyen factory, 25, 212. ancient examples, 274.
Ko (kiln), character for, 24, 25. antiquity of the art, 273.
(made by), character for, 16. comparitive absence of marks, 274,
Kobaiyen, 336. forged Chinese mark upon, 288.
Kogo, 300. marks upon, 283, 326.
Kohaku kami, 321. probable date of choicest works, 274.
Kohei Masauzi, 303. origin of the art, 273.
Koji, the title of, 234. uses to which the ware is put, 273.
Koki, the period of, 30, 31, 53. varieties of, 273, 274.
Kominsai, 330. Workers :
Koransha, 74. Harumasa Seiho, 286.
Kore, character for, 17. Josetsu Hokurakusai, 326.
Kore o saigasu, character for, 19 1. Kai, 92.
Kore o seisu, character for, 17. Moritsune Gamo-o, 285.
Kore o tsukuru, character for, 17, 18, Seikuasai, 288.
277. 325- Shokosai Giokuzan, 289.
Koriyama, Akahada pottery made Shojusai, 326.
there, 212. Tosen, 288.