Page 407 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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                                          INDEX.      :                     369

           Painters (Books)  :  continued.    Painting — continued.
             Masatami, 243, 245.                art  of, introduced into Japan,  221.
             Minenobu, 237.                     department  for the encouragement
             Mochinobu Fujiwara, 257.               of, 221.
             Norinobu, 238.                     early works, 221.
             Rioyen Chiounsai, 263.              Schools of:  Bunjinga, 223.
             Riuan, 262.                                    Hokusai, 222.
             Sakakibara Yoshino, 269.                       Kanda, 233.
             Shijiu, 263.                                   Kano, 222.
             Sumiyoshi, 222.                                Matabei, 222.
             Tansetsu, 238.                                 Popular, 222.
             Tanshin, 238,                                  Sumie, 223.
             Tosa. Mitsuoki, 234, 236.                      Tosa, 221.
             Tosan Kanrakusai, 234, 252.                    Ukiyo, 222.
                                                            Utagawa, 222.
             Tosen, 249.
                                                            Yenshiu, 233.
             Tsunenobu, 237.
             Tsunetaka, 221.                     titles  granted  to  or  assumed  by
                                                     painters, 233.
             Zeshin Shibata, 253.
                                               Paper  notes  issued by  the  daimio,
           Painters (Pottery)  ;                     332, 333-
                                               Paralysis,virtue of Soma pottery in, 214
             Atago Kosai, 191.
                                               Part (of a book), character for, 226.
             Bizan, ii, 137.
                                               Pavilion, a, character for, 22.
             Chogetsu, 192.
                                               Pearl, carvers of, 325.
             Fuwa Sodo, 90.
             Getsuzan Shigetake, 195.          Pen, character for, ig.
             Gozan, 201.                       Pencil, character for, 19.
                                               Period, character  for,   278  [See
             Hiochiyen, 192, 194.                                    26,
                                                     Year periods).
             Hirabayashi Tokiu, 157, 192.
                                               Phrases, in books, 250, 251.
             Ichigo Sosentei, 113, 114.
                                                 upon  pottery [See Poetical inscrip-
             Isiwatari Tikuyen, 193.
             Kiokuzan, 98.
             Kuroku, 8, 121.                   Picture, a, character for, 20.
             Matsumoto Hoyen, i6g, 191.          a faithful, character for, 20.
                                                 books, character for, 223, 231.
             Meizan, 199.
                                               Pictures, character for, 229, 230.
             Okamura (Oka-Chiu), 194.
                                               Pine tree, 13, 188.
             Okawa Ichiraku, 176.
                                               Places, names of, as inscriptions, 32.
             Riozen, 134.
             Shioho Jurakusai, 90.             Plaster work, 281, 337.
              Shunichi Sessensai, 150.         Poetical inscriptions upon pottery, 9,
              Shunkow, 170.                          148, 155, 156, 158, 165, 167, i6g,
              Shunzan, 200.                          i?3> 175-    186, 188, 197,201,
                                                     206, 209, 210.
              Simauchi Shinzan, 193.
              Tokio painters, i8g.               upon lacquer, 289.
              Yamaka, 152.                       upon enamels, 294, 295.
                                                 upon mirrors, 302,
              Yamamoto Shugetsu, 195.
            Painting  :                          upon painted enamel, 334.
              artists [See painters).            upon sword-guards, 303, 304.
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