Page 412 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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374      —                      INDEX.
                Sakon no Shogen, the  title  of,  233,  Seikan, 112, 113.
                      234, 236.                      Seikanji, 151.
                  abbreviation  of, 234, 236.       Seikozan Kichiroku, 143.
                Saku, character for, 276, 277.      Seikuasai, 288.
                Sakurai, 335.                        Seinen, 148.
                Sakura, the, 63,                    Seisi,  198.
                San (potter), 207.                   Seiundo, loi,  1 17.
                San (mountain), character for, 21.   Senki,  120.
                San (the product  of),  character  for,  Senshu,  :2, 182.
                      25, 83.                        Serpent, 342.
                Saniu, 35, 125.                      Seto,  8, 32, 34, 85.
                Sanju Roku Kasen, Oribon   entitled,  Setomono, 85.
                      233, 236.                      Setsuzando,  120.
                Sanpei Gashu, 213.                   Sewn books, 223.
                Sanrakuyen, 21 1.                    Sha, character for, 21, 23.
                Saru, 342,                           Shawa,  15 1.
                Satsu, character  for, 224.          Shazan, 152.
                  derivation  of, 224.               Sheep, 342
                Satsuma, connection of the prince of  Shichibei {See Hichibeye).
                       with the factory of, 36.      Shigehisa, 307.
                  crest of the prince of,  5, 36, 89.  Shigejiu,  172.
                  marks upon pottery,  5, 87.        Shigejiu Seiyenken,  172.
                  marks seldom used,  5.             Shigejiu Kato, 172.
                  name of prince of, 5.              Shigiokuko, 336.
                  name of province  of, 33.          Shijiu, 263.
                  pottery,  5, 87.                     the seal of, 338.
                 Scholars  :                         Shimamura family, 325, 335.
                  Tokishio Sohaku, 197.              Shin, character for, 20.
                   Funda Riho-an, 250.               Shin dzu, character for, 20.
                   Hichisho, 234, 252.               Shinkai factory, 71.
                 School, character for, 233.         Shinkei, character for, 231.
                Schools of painting (See Painting).  Shin Rokkasen, Oribon entitled, 240.
                 Seal of, the, 338.                  Shinsu, character for, 235.
                 Seals, examples  of,  35,  36, 98,  109,  Shintoken Fudesuke, 173.
                       no, 112, 116, 120, 121, 125, 132.  Shinzan, 200.
                      236, 243, 252,253, 257, 263, 338.  Shio, 13, 188.
                 Seals, presented to potters, 35.    Shio Dojo kaishi, Makimono entitled,
                 Sei (potter), 151.                        239-
                 Sei (made by or made in),  character  Shiofutei,  153.               ‘
                      for, 15.                       Shiogetsutei,  155.
                 Sei-sei, character for, 18, 144.    Shioho Jurakusai, 90.
                 Seisu, character  for, 15, 277.     Shio jiu kaku rei o tamots,  13, 188.
                 Sei-zo, character for, 17.          Shioreido Tozan, 8.
                 Seifu,  147.                        Shiozan, 92.
                Seigioku Ideme, 328.                 Shiozo,  1 17.
                Seika, the period of,                Shippo, 66.
                                    4, 6, 30, 31, 45,
                      46, 97.                        Shippo Company, 17, 25, 174, 175.
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