Page 413 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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INDEX. — 375
Shippo Kuwai-sha, 17, 25, 174, 175. Sosho style of writing, 14.
Shiubei. Fuji, 167. Sotei, character for, 233.
Shiujin, character for, 22, 25. Soten, 311.
Shizugadake, the battle of, 304. Soteng Mogarashi, 304, 305, 308.
Shochitsu, character for, 227. South Kensington Museum, 296.
Shogen, an abbreviated title, 234, 236. Spur-marks upon Hizen pottery, 47.
Shogunate, foundation of the, 242. Stirrup, marks upon an iron, 307.
Shohen, character for, 226. Stone, carvings in, 281, 325, 332, 335,
Shokosai Giokuzan, 289. 336, 337-
Shomotsu, description of, 223. Carvers :
Shosho hachi kei, Oribon entitled, 241. Hayashi Sohei, 332.
Shotoku, the period of, 237. Kou, 325.
Shozui, 19, 71. Riuho, 337.
Shuhei, 143. Toshiaki Shimamura, 335.
Shunichi Sessensai, 150. Toshimasa Shimamura, 335.
Shunkow, 170. Toshitaka Shimamura, 325, 335,
Shunzan, 200. 336-
Shu-nuri lacquer, 274. Stork, the, 13, 188.
Shushi, 251. Study, a, character for, 23.
Significance of colour in marks upon Suifu (province of Mito), 285.
pottery, 13, 96. Suisen, the, 64.
Sin, character for, 19. Sumida river, 201.
Sin-zo, character for, ig. Sumie, the school of painting of, 223.
Sisei, 198. character of the works, 223.
Sisui, 187. Sumitagawa, the view of, 287.
Sketch, a, character for, 20. Sumiyoshi, 222.
Sketches, character for, 229, 231. Summer-house, a, character for, 22.
rough, character for, 231. Suye, 84.
Snail, 60. Swastika, the, 293.
Snake, 342. Sword-guards, 276.
Soapstone, carvings in, 325, 332. assumption of titles by makers of,
Sobara, Takatori pottery made at, 215. 278.
Sodatsu, 169. decoration of, 303, &c.
Sode, 289. marks upon, 276, 277, 303, &c.
Soga Monogatari, Shomutsu entitled, SwordS) 276.
254- 255, 256. ancient example, 299.
the tales of the family of, 255, 335. marks upon, 299.
Sogenji, the temple of, 259, 260, 261. Symbolical ornaments as marks upon
Sohaku, 197. pottery, 3.
Soma pottery, 34, 41. Synopsis, character for, 228.
marks upon, 214. Taico Sama, seal presented by, 35.
supposed virtue of, 214. Taiheiki Yeiyuden, Yebon entitled, 265.
the prince of, 41. Taizan, 10, 21, 136, 137.
his crests, 41. extensive potter in Awata, 136.
Sometsuke decoration, 8. Take, 316.
Soniu, 35. Take-tori monogatari, 248.
Sosentei, 24. Takeuchi Chiubeye, 174.