Page 410 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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372      —     —                INDEX.     —
              Potters  :  continued.              Pottery  :
                Yuwado, 84.                         Varieties of, and marks upon; —row
                Yuzan, 102.                             tinued.
                Yusando, 103.                         Comb-style, 38.
                Zengoro, 36, 134.                     Egg-shell,  73, 78, 200.
                Zuisido, 2ri.                         Fujina, 216.
                Zoroku, 142.                          Gojozaka, 131.
                Zoshuntei San Ho, 70, 78.             Higo, 217.
              Pottery — artists [See Painters).       Hirato, 73.
                character of marks and seals upon, i.  Hitasuki, 208.
                character for, 34.                    Hizen, 2, 43.
                colours and gold employed  in the     Idzumi, 216.
                    marks, 3, 13.                     Idzumo, 216.
                commencement of the manufacture       Imado, 195.
                    of porcelain, 2.                  Ise, 12, 179.
                crests used as marks,  3.             Kaga, 6, 93.
                decoration of  ;                      Karatzu, 85.
                  cloisonne, 141.                     Kenzan, 128.
                  kinrande, 36.                       Kii, 211.
                  lacquer, 92.                        Kiomidzu, ii, 32, 13 1, 148.
                  nishikide, 2.                       Kioto, 10, 123.
                  sometsuke, 8.                       Koto, 2r7.
                earliest glazed ware made  at Ka-     Kushide, 38.
                    ratzu, 85.                        Kutani, 38.
                earliest marks upon, 2.               Makuzu, 129.
                flowers and plants used  as marks     Migakite, 208.
                    upon, 3.                          Mikawachi, 38, 73, 74, 76, 79, 80.
                forged Chinese marks, 4.              Minato, 216.
                kiku crest, as a mark,  3, 39, 40.    Mino, 199, 200, 215.
                marks and seals upon,  i.             Mutsu, 210.
                method of marking,  3.                Nagasaki, 5.
                symbolical ornaments used as marks,   Nagato, 218.
                                                      Ninsei, 40, 127.
                year-periods used as marks, 3.        Ohi, 120.
                various names for, 85.                Ohokawachi, 37.
                         of, and marks upon; —
                Varieties                             Old Japan,  2.
                  Aidz, 210.                          Omi, 217.
                  Arita, 33, 72.                      Ota, 205.
                  Asahi, 218.                         Owari, 2, 8,  1 59.
                  Akahada, 34,  212.                  Porcelain, 2, 13 1.
                  Asakusa, 198.                       Raku,  34, 35, 125.
                  Awaji, 213.                         Satsuma, 5, 87.
                  Awata, 127, 136, 138, 140.          Seto, 8, 32, 34, 85.
                  Banko, 12, 181.                     Soma,  34, 214.
                  Bizen, 207.                         Takatori, 215.
                  Celadon, 74, 21 1.                  Tokio, 189.
                  Chikuzen, 215.                      Toyourayama, 218.
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