Page 415 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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INDEX.         —            —     377

           Tsuchi, 341.                        Wealth, 55.
             Tsuchinoto, 341.                  Wild Boar, 342.
             Tsuchinoye, 341.                  Wood carvings, 276.
           Tsukuru, character for, 15, 276, 277.   marks upon, 276, 277, 319.
           Tsumu, 289.                             skill of modern artists, 276.
           Tsunetaka, assumes the name of Tosa,  Carvers {See also Masks)  :
                 221.                              Do, 323.
             family name changed to Sumiyoshi,     Ichizan, 326.
                 222,                              Ideme family, 321, 322, 323.
             founds the Tosa school of painting,   Jobun, 323.
                 221.                              Kiusaku, 328.
           Tsunenobu, 237.                         Kou, 325.
           Tsuru-kame, 316.                        Riuho, 337.
           Tsutsushinde, character  for, 229.      Sakurai, 335.
             yegaku, character for, 229.           Setsusai, 329.
           Tsuyu, 289.                             Toshiaki Shimamura, 335.
           Type-printed books, 223.                Toshimasa Shimamura, 335.
                                                   Toshitaka Shimamura,  325, 335,
           U, 342.                                   336.
           Uji, Asahi pottery made  at, 218.       Uyeyagi, 327.
           Ukawa, 79.                              Yuzan, 329.
           Ukiyo school of painting, 222.      Writers, celebrated
           Unchanging, 182.                      Funda Riho-an, 250.
           Unjiu, 311.                           Hichisho, 234, 252.
           Unki, 216.                          Writing, the art  of, 234, 250.
           Ushi, 342.                          Written  by  himself,  character  for,
           Usuke, 286.                              229, 243, 245.
           Utagawa school of painting, 222.    Wuchimi Kichizo, 109.
           Utsusu, character for, 20, 229.     Wunsui, 216.
           Uwajima, 315.
           Uyemitsu, 322, 328.                Yaki, character for, 34.
           Uyeno dzu, Makimono entitled, 246.  Yama, character for, 21.
           Uyeyagi, 327.                      Yamaka.  79.
                                              Yamakawa, 287.
           Views, character for, 229, 230.    Yamamoto Shugetsu, 195.
          Volume, character for, 224.         Yamashiro pottery, 218.
              single, 224.                    Yamato,  the  province  of,  34,  212,
              top or first, 225.                    221.
              middle or second, 225.          Yashima, the battle of, 242, 328.
              bottom or third, 225.           Yasumatsu,  cloisonne enamel made
              last, 225.                            here, 296.
            mode   of  marking  ancient  and  Yasunori, 31 1.
                modern works, 225.            Yatsushiro pottery, 217.
                                              Year, character for, 26, 278.
          Wa-ka, 302.                         Year periods  :
          Wan-li, the period of, 30, 31, 51, 52, 53.  characters of Japanese, 350.
          Ware (pottery), character  for, 34.   composition of Chinese, 29.
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