Page 417 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 417

INDEX.            —                379

          Zo [made by or made in]  , character  Zodiacal cycle:  continued.
                for, 15, 276.                   meaning of the characters, 341.
            [portraits]  , character for, 231.  Zojiozi, the temple of, 199.
          Zodiacal cycle, 339.                Zoroku, 142.
            arrangement of, 341, 342.         Zoshuntei San Ho, 70, 78.
            characters, 345.                  Zuisi, 21 1.
            derivation of characters used, 341.  Zuisido, 21 1.

                                     'I'he whole  Volume.
   412   413   414   415   416   417   418   419   420   421   422