Page 414 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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376                            INDEX.

                 Taki-makiye lacquer, 273.           Togan, 89.
                 Tama, 60,                           Together, character for, 19.
                 Tamiya, 331.                        Togi-dashi lacquer ware, 273.
                 Tamots, 13, 188.                    Tohaku Ideme, 321.
                 Taninaga, 330.                      Tokio, character for, 33.
                 Tanniu,  35, 125.                     district of Asakusa, 198.
                 Tansetsu, 238.                        district of Imado, 195, 197.
                 Tanshin, 238.                         marks of potters and painters, i8g.
                 Tanzan, 21, 138, 139.                 views of, upon Mino porcelain, 199,
                   extensive potter in Awata, 138.         201, 202.
                 Tatsu, 342,                         Tokishio, 197.
                 Tch’ing-hoa, the period  of,  4,  6,  26,  Toko, 193.
                       30, 31, 45, 46, 47, 48.       Tokoniu, 35.
                 Te, character for, 22.              Tokugawa family, 36, 37.
                 Tei, character for, 21, 22.           patronizes the Kano painters, 222.
                 Teiichi, 208.                       Tomimura Kanyemon, 39.
                 Tekizan, 12, 184.                   Tomo, 289.
                 Tembun, the period of, 222.         Tomochika, 331.
                 Temniei, the period  of, 300, 306.  Tomoyoshi, 316.
                 Temple, a, character for, 21, 23.   To-o (the old man To-zan), 108.
                   of Ikudama of Naniwa, 121.        Tora, 342.
                 Tempo, the period of, 27, 76, 91, 222,  Torajiro Murakami, 317.
                       285.                          Tori, 342.
                 Tenka ichi, character for, 279, 301.  Toritsuzan, 153.
                   no saku, character for, 279, 301.  Tosa. Mitsuoki, 234, 236.
                 Tensho, the period  of, 222.          the school of painting of, 221.
                 Ten thousand, character for, 293.     character of works, 222.
                 The first maker in  the three count-  founded by Tsunetaka, 221.
                      ries, 200.                       governor of  the  province  of, 310,
                 The first man in the world, 279, 301.     317-
                 The manufacture of the first man in  Tosan Kanrakusai, 234.
                      the world, 279, 301.           Tosen (books), 249, 252.
                 The old man, how expressed, 108.    Tosen (lacquer), 288.
                 This, character for, 17.            Toshi, 278.
                 Tiger, 342.                         Toshiaki Shimamura, 335.
                 Tikuba Shiomodo, 83.                Toshikian  14, 24, 81, 82.
                 Tinzan, 118.                        Toshimasa Shimamura, 335.
                 Titles, assumed by or conferred upon  Toshisada Fujiwara, 301.
                      artists, 233.                  Toshitaka Shimamura, 325, 335, 336.
                   Gakushi, 197.                     Tosi, 187.
                   Hogan,  79, 234, 252.             Tosu, character for, 281.
                   Hokio, 338.                       Tosui Rakan dzu, Makimono entitled,
                   Koji, 234, 252.                         249.
                   Niudo, 278.                       Toyosuke, 174.
                   Sakon no Shogen, 233, 236.        Toyourazan, 33.
                 To enjoy the longevity of the pine-tree  Tozan, 7, 21, 107, 108, log.
                       and the age of the stork, 13, 188.  Tree, 341.
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