Page 416 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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378                        —    INDEX.

                 Year periods — continued.           Yechiu, the province of, bronze work,
                   copied from Chinese pottery, 3, 26,     312.
                       30 -                          Yedamats, 5, 83.
                   duration of Japanese, 342.        Yegaku, characters for,  19, 228.
                   examples upon pottery, 27,        Yeidai bridge, Tokio, 201.
                   forged upon pottery, 26.          Yeiraku family, in Kaga, 115.
                   list of Japanese, 350.              in Kioto, 36.
                   origin of, 342.                     in Owari, 176.
                   used  as marks upon   pottery,  3,  Yeiraku, the period of, 30, 31, 45.
                       25-                           Yeiraku pottery, 10, 133.
                   referred to in inscriptions  :      decoration  of, 36, 134.
                     Ansei, 252.                       marks upon, 10, 113, 115, 133.
                     Anyei, 274, 285.                  painted marks upon, 10, 134, 135.
                     Bunkwa, 27, 80, 243.              seals upon, 10, 36, 133.
                     Bunsei, 222.                    Yeiseido, 119.
                     Chinese, 29.                    Yeisei factory, 119.
                     Chokio, 222.                    Yeizan, 208.
                     Genki, 27, 55.                  Yen, character for, 21, 23.
                     Genko, 299.                     Yenshiu school of painting, 233, 264.
                     Genroku, 278, 280, 301.         Yenso factory, 24.
                     Japanese, 25.                   Yenso-sha, 24.
                     Kasei,  4, 30, 288.             Yetsu {See Yechigo).
                     Kayei, 28, 157, 263.            Yezo, character for, 231.
                     Kenriu,  4, 30.                 Yofu ken,  12, 185.
                     Khang-hi, 30, 31, 53.                      181, 189.
                     Khien-long,  4, 30.             Yokohama, 33, 152.
                     Kia-tsing, 4, 30, 288.          Yong-lo, the period of, 30, 31, 45.
                     Kioho, 238.                     Yoritomo, 305.
                     Koki, 30, 31, 53.               Yoshikage, 209.
                     Kwambun, 222.                   Yoshikatsu Nishimura, 314.
                     Manji, 234, 236.                Yoshikawa, 286.
                     Manreki, 30, 31, 51, 53, 166, 213.  Yoshinao Fujiwara, 312.
                     Meiji, 28, 154, 192, SG. 343 » 353  -  Yoshitsune, 305, 312.
                     Seika, 4, 6, 30, 31, 45, 46, 97,  Yuhisai, 289.
                     Shotoku, 237.                   Yusetsu (Ise), 183.
                     Tch’ing-hoa,  4,  6, 26, 30, 31, 45,  (Kioto), 41, 151.
                       46, 47, 48.                   Yuwado, 84.
                     Tembun, 222.                    Yuzan (pottery), 102, 103.
                     Temmei, 300, 306.                 (wood), 329.
                     Tempo, 27, 76, 91, 222, 285,    Yuzando, 103.
                     Tensho, 222.
                     Yeiraku, 30, 31, 45.            Zan, characters for, 20, 21.
                     Yong-lo, 30, 31, 45.            Zen, character for, 224.
                     Wan-li, 30, 3], 51, 52, 53.     Zengoro founded the Yeiraku family,
                 Yebon, description  of, 223.              36, 134-
                 Yechigo,  the  province  of, bamboo  Zeshin Shibata, 253.
                       work, 329.                    Zi roku, character for, 229, 243, 245.
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