Page 405 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
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INDEX.                             367

           Mitsunaga Fujiwara, 314.            Names of potters, composition of the,
           Mitsunao, 321.                           21.
           Mitsushige, 279, 316.                 enamellers {See enamels),
           Mitsushige Jimura, 310.              ivory carvers {See ivory),
           Mitsuhisa, 330.                      lacquer workers {See lacquer),
           Mitsuhisa Ideme, 322.                 metal workers {See metal),
           Miyakawa Kozan, comes from Kioto,     mirror makers {See mirrors),
                 205,                            painters {See painters),
             makes Ota pottery, 205.            potters {See potters),
             marks upon his works, 205, 206.    stone carvers {See stone),
           Mizu, 341.                           wood carvers {See wood).
             Mizunoto, 341.                    Namida, 289.
             Mizunoye, 341.                    Nanbu, the province of, 315.
           Mochinobu Fujiwara, 257.            Naniwa (Osaka), 34.
           Modeller, character for, 281.        no Ikudama no sha, 121.
           Momo, the, 65.                        no Sakura Miya, 121.
           Monkey, 342.                        Nanki (Kii), 34, 21 1.
           Mono, 85.                           Narabini, character for,  19.
           Monogatari, characters for, 232, 248.  Nansenzan Higuchi, 80.
           Months of the year, 342.            Naomasa, 310, 311.
           Mr. Saito, by order of, characters for,  Naranu, 289.
                 109.                          Nashiji lacquer ware, 273.
           Mori Chikara, 73.                   Ne, 342.
           Moritsune Gamo-o, 285.              Nen, character for, 26, 278.
           Mori Uji, 183.                      Nengo,  scarcity  of  instances upon
           Motome  ni  ozite, characters for,  18,  pottery, 25.
                 109, 309.                       the Japanese, 25, 342, 350.
           Motonori, 336.                      Netsuke, marks upon, 332, &c.
           Mountain, characters for, 21.       Ni, character for, 22.
             used as part of names, 20.        Ni oite, examples of, 22, 115, 119, 191.
           Mounting of books, 228.                 significance of, 22.
           Mouse, 342.                         Nichihizan, 74, 75.
           Muma, 342.                          Ninsei. Nonomura, 10, 40.
           Musashi, the province of,  310.       forgeries of his mark, 128.
           Mutsu,  Aidz  porcelain  made  in,    marks upon his pottery, 10, 40, 127,
                 210,                                128.
           Mutsuhito, the emperor, 343.          originates the manufacture of artistic
                                                     pottery, 40.
           Nagaharu, 304, 307.                   originates the manufacture of faience
           Nagami Iwao, 149.                         in Awata, 127.
           Nagano (potter), 150.               Nippon {See Japan).
             the Shigaraki kiln at, 217.         as an inscription, 32.
           Nagasaki porcelain,  5.             Niraku, 85.
           Nagato, metal, 308, 309.            Nishikide style of decoration,  2.
             pottery, 218.                     Nishiyama, 69.
           Nagoya, the port  of,  33, 16.6.    Niudo, the title  of, 278.
           Nakajima, 92.                       No, character for, 20.
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