Page 64 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 64


                      26               MARKS AND SEALS ON POTTERY.

                      marks.    It  has,  however,  long been the custom       in Hizen
                      to  make    use  of   Chinese   5   r-marks,   which   have   been
                      applied without regard    to  the  date  at which the ware was
                      made.    Upon many     of the   choicest examples    of Old Japan
                      porcelain, produced    early  in  the  17th  century, the mark   of
                      the Tching-hoa    period,  1465-1487 a.d.,   is found, and    dates
                      even  earlier than   this  are  used    such   forged   marks   are
                      also found upon     the  earliest wares made     in  Kaga.     The
                      practice  has  been   recently   revived  in  Hizen, and   ancient
                      marks   are  freely used upon   the  imitation Old Japan which
                      is  now   being   produced   in   large  quantities  for   sale  in
                      Europe    and   America     in  Owari,   also,  such   marks    are
                      found   upon   the   modern    porcelain   coated   with  cloisonne
                           The character Nen     (year  or  period)  occurs  in most   of
                      these marks, and     as  it  is  written  in vanous  styles, a few
                      examples may     oe  given

                                                   Year or period.

                          ^         4   -                              tr

                          Hizc7i.    Hizen.     Hizeyi,    Hizen.     Hizeti,    Hizen.

                               Kaga.      Saisuma.    Hizen.      Hize^i.    Owari,

                           The word Sai     is  occasionally  used  in the  same sense.

                                                   Year or period.
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