Page 67 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 67


                             MARKS AND SEALS ON POTTERY.                    29

                The Chinese year-marks generally contain six characters,
           two   of which   indicate  the dynasty

                                     Dai,  i.c., Great.

                 Ming, The dynasty which reigned from 1368 to 1643 a.d.


                                     Dai,  i.c., Great.

            Thsing, The dynasty which commenced in 1643 and still reigns.

                 The   characters  for  the Dai Thsing dynasty       are  often

            given  in  seal form  as follows  :



            In some inscriptions these characters are omitted, and those
            denoting the   period, and    the  words   nen and   sei,  only  are
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