Page 130 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 130


                                                             A FINE AND RARE WHITE JADE AND LAPIS LAZULI
                                                             RETICULATED PARFUMIER
                                                             The cylindrical body superbly carved in openwork from a single piece
                                                             of attractive white jade stone with a continuous scene of a servant
                                                             fanning the flames of a stove to warm a steaming teapot, the wisp
                                                             ascending towards a crane in flight, set within a rocky pine grove
                                                             enclosing a colonnaded dwelling where a scholar watches a boy filling
                                                             a cup with water from a rushing mountain stream, the lapis lazuli base
                                                             raised on five carved feet, the jade surmounted by a lapis lazuli rim.
                                                             7.4cm (2 7/8in) diam.

                                                             HK$250,000 - 350,000
                                                             US$32,000 - 45,000

                                                             清乾隆/嘉慶 白玉嵌青金石鏤雕烹茶圖香薰

                                                             Sold in our London Rooms, 7 November 2013, lot 138
                                                             A distinguished Asian private collection

           Image courtesy of the Palace Museum, Beijing      倫敦邦瀚斯,2013年11月7日,拍品編號138
           北京故宮博物院藏                                          重要亞洲私人收藏

           The white jade parfumier is exquisitely carved in openwork with   白玉玉質。圓身,直壁,嵌以青金石蓋及底,下承三足。器身以浮雕
           multiple layers creating a continuous idyllic scene, which would have   及鏤雕技法,雕老者於山林間,旁兩童子煮水烹茶。畫面佈局嚴正,
           resonated with the literati and Imperial Court. The visual effect is   雕工細膩,極具畫意。所嵌青金石碧藍如雲霄,金斑隱現,於溫潤白
           heightened by the contrast of the white jade with the rich blue lapis   玉相配相得益彰,為清宮香器佳作。
           lazuli framing the scene, reminiscent of porcelain reserve-decorated
           blue and white scholarly vessels. The combination of jade and lapis   焚香傳統自漢代則有之,至六朝時期,受佛教影響,更出現不同造型
           lazuli is very rare; however, compare a related longer pale green jade   香薰。至宋代,香道更成士大夫雅事之一。清宮香事更加頻繁,不論
           reticulated incense holder similarly adorned with lapis lazuli base   典禮祭祀或燕居消遣都需要用香,此時宮廷香具之更是繁複多樣。
           and cover, Qing dynasty, in the Qing Court Collection, illustrated in
           Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum: Jade 8 Qing   清宮玉雕香薰傳世品中,以青金石作口及底鑲嵌者非常少見。北京故
           Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, p.241, pl.200. See also a pair of white   宮博物院清宮舊藏一對青玉人物香筒亦採用此工藝,可作比較,見《
           jade horses with lapis lazuli rockwork, Qianlong, which was sold at   故宮博物院藏品大系:玉器編8清代玉器》,北京,2011年,頁241
           Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 10 April 2006, lot 1768; and a small lapis   ,編號200;另見蘇富比香港曾售出一件清乾隆白玉嵌青金石雙馬擺
           lazuli boulder on a white jade stand, 18th century, which was sold at   件,2006年4月10日,拍品編號1768。紐約佳士得亦售出一件十八世
           Christie’s New York, 22 March 2012, lot 1209.     紀青金石配白玉座山子,2012年3月22日,拍品編號1209。

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