Page 132 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 132

           A FINE VERY PALE GREENISH-WHITE JADE INCENSE BURNER   by the Qianlong Emperor to such jades which he termed ‘Hindustan’
           AND COVER                                         jades; see for example a Mughal jade lobed bowl and two Mughal
           Late Qing Dynasty                                 jade lobed boxes and covers, in the National Palace Museum, Taipei,
           Exquisitely carved in the form of a lobed flower composed of six   illustrated by Teng Shu-p’ing, Exquisite Beauty - Islamic Jades, Taipei,
           barbed petals, rising from four bracket feet to an everted rim intricately   2007, nos.60 and 125-126.
           decorated in openwork with scrolling foliage issuing two radiating lotus
           blooms at each side forming a pair of pierced handles suspending   Compare a related white jade incense burner and cover, Qing dynasty,
           loose rings, the domed cover delicately carved in the form of floral   illustrated by R.Keverne, ed., Jade, London, 1995, p.184, fig.140
           petals encircling a reticulated globular knob, the translucent stone of   (right); and see also a related pale green-white jade incense burner
           greenish-white tone with tiny speckled inclusions.   and cover, 19th century, in the Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University,
           11.2cm (4 1/2in) wide (2).                        illustrated by J.C.Y.Watt, Chinese Jades from Han to Ch’ing, New
                                                             York, 1980, p.177, no.151.
           HK$60,000 - 80,000
           US$7,700 - 10,000                                 白玉偏青。胎薄體輕,蓋、器身呈花瓣形,鏤空蓋鈕,下承四足。口
           清晚期 痕都斯坦式青白玉雕活環香薰                                 宮檔案可知,至乾隆晚年,眾多帶有伊斯蘭風格的玉器,成為官員進
           The master carver chose to display the fine translucent quality of   十八世紀晚期至十九世紀的玉器風格長生變化。進貢至清宮痕玉之
           the jade stone as the principal element, enhanced by the graceful   例,可見台北國立故宮博物院所藏三件痕玉香薰,《國色天香:伊斯
           lobed lotus form, and elevated by the openwork carved classic scroll   蘭玉器》,台北,2007年,編號60及125,126。
           and lotus blossom design restricted to the borders and handles –
           displaying both the superb jade stone and technical craftsmanship   另見一例,著錄於R.Keverne,《Jade》,倫敦,1995年,頁184,
           of the carver. The present lot with its delicate thin walls, lobed form   圖140(右);以及哈佛大學福格藝術博物館藏一件十九世紀痕式青
           and elaborate design, shows the distinct influence of Mughal jades on   玉雕香薰,見J.C.Y.Watt,《Chinese Jades from Han to Ch’ing》,紐
           Chinese jade carving. This was very much due to the favour shown   約,1980年,頁177,編號151。

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