Page 135 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 135

           Qianlong seal mark, Qing Dynasty
           Finely potted with an elegant proportion rendering smooth flowing
           curves rising from a recessed foot to a domed cover surmounted by
           a compressed globular knop, the gently curved spout set opposite
           a C-shaped handle, the stoneware of rich reddish-brown colour, the
           base impressed with the seal mark.
           22cm (8 5/8in) wide (2).

           HK$80,000 - 120,000
           US$10,000 - 15,000

           清 紫泥光素蓮子壺 陽文「大清乾隆年製」印款

           Compare the shape of the present lot to a black-lacquered Yixing   壺砂質溫潤細膩,造型簡樸,骨肉均勻,素面素心,然工藝嫻熟,為
           teapot, Qianlong mark and period, in the Palace Museum, Beijing,   紫砂光素造型中一件佳例。蓮子最早流行於明崇禎年間,其流、把線
           where the short gently curved spout as well as the C-shaped handle   條過度如行雲流水,整體視覺非常勻稱。壺把低端帶垂耳,為蓮子
           with a slightly flaring tail are similar in style, see The Complete   壺特徵之一。參看故宮博物院一件清乾隆黑漆描金吉慶有餘紋壺,
           Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Purple Sandy Ware,   器形與此壺類似,見《故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系:紫砂器》,上
           Shanghai, 2008, p.33, pl.26. See another similar Yixing teapot made   海,2008年,頁33,圖26。參看香港中文大學文物館藏一件潘虔榮
           by Pan Qianrong (b.1756) in the Art Museum of the Chinese University   製蓮子大壺,形制與本壺相似,見顧景舟,《宜興紫砂珍賞》,香
           of Hong Kong, illustrated by Gu Jingzhou, Yixing zisha zhenshang,   港,1992年,圖062。
           Hong Kong, 1992, no.062.
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