Page 47 - Chinese Art Bonhams San Francisco December 19, 2017
P. 47

6158                                                6159

           6160                              6161                             6162

           6158                              6159                             6161
           Including a compressed globular form   BOTTLES                     BRONZE SNUFF BOTTLE
           cinnabar lacquer bottle, carved with a figural   19th/early 20th century   19th century
           and landscape reserve on each main side,   The first a gray and honey-toned bottle,   The rectangular bottle supported on a
           and leafy lotuses on narrow sides, against   utilizing the natural opaque inclusions in the   neatly finished oval foot ring, its neck gently
           a dark color ground filled with dense key-  stone and carved with a horse; the second   tapering towards a slightly recessed lip,
           fret patterns (losses to lacquer on foot on   a flattened globular bottle, each main side   the main sides similarly decorated with two
           rim, metal lip polished down); the second a   carved with a seated Budai holding a scroll   reserves, each with a crane and deer in the
           Canton enamel copper bottle, painted with   incised with yi tuan he qi characters, the   foreground, a pine tree and mountain peaks
           a female figure contemplating in a garden on   shoulders surmounted with two raised lion   in distance, framed by two birds with snake-
           each main side (pitting in enamel, surface   masks; the third of simple rectangular form   like bodies, set against a rich blue ground
           wear and abrasions); the third a coral bottle   supported on a protruding and recessed oval  filled with flower blossoms and leaf scrolls
           carved with two striking faux lion mask-and-  foot, the main sides with raised conforming   between bands of ruyi heads and vertical
           ring handles on narrow sides (stopper glued   panels.              lappets.
           to neck); the fourth a pewter bottle with   2 1/4 to 2 3/8in (5.7 to 5.9cm) high  2 7/16in (6.2cm) high
           incised and stippled flowers on both main
           sides (small dents, staining).    $1,000 - 1,500                   $800 - 1,200
           2 1/4 and 2 3/4in (5.7 to 7cm) high
                                             6160                             Provenance
           $1,000 - 1,500                    A MONGOLIAN SILVER AND ROCK      Eldred’s Auction, East Dennis,
                                             CRYSTAL SNUFF BOTTLE             Massachusetts, 28 August 1982
                                             19th century
                                             The stone of shield form, one face carved   6162
                                             in high relief with a luohan amid clouds,   A MOLDED SOFT PASTE PORCELAIN
                                             reversed by a pine emanating from a rocky   SNUFF BOTTLE
                                             outcropping in low relief, the silver mount and   Late 19th century/early 20th century
                                             stopper with coral and malachite inset.    The ovoid bottle standing on a splayed,
                                             3in (7.7cm) high                 protruding foot, with a deeply waisted neck,
                                                                              its wide lip molded as an ancient coin with
                                             $1,000 - 1,500                   the central opening serving as the mouth of
                                                                              the bottle, molded around the sides with the
                                             Provenance                       Eight Daoist Immortals and cloud scrolls; the
                                             Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York 25 January   surfaces covered in very pale straw-toned
                                             1978, lot 124                    glaze except the base.
                                                                              2 5/16in (5.8cm) high
                                                                              $800 - 1,200

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