Page 75 - Sotheby's Qianlong Calligraphy Oct. 3, 2018
P. 75
Accession no. Title Class Provenance
文物號 名稱 級別 來源
Xin 00045729 Ming-dynasty rubbing copy of the Thirteen Lines in small Second class Donated by Zhu Yian and family
regular script 二級 朱翼盦及家屬捐贈
Xin 00046661 Ming-dynasty rubbing copy of the Green Jade version of the Second class Donated by Zhu Yian and family
Thirteen Lines 二級 朱翼盦及家屬捐贈
Xin 00093483 Ming-dynasty rubbing copy of the Chunxi mige xutie-version Unclassified Purchased in 1958
of the Thirteen Lines 未定級 1958年收購
Xin 00107841 Yuan-dynasty rubbing copy of Wang Xianzhi’s Thirteen Second class Transferred by the State
Lines in small regular script 二級 Administration of Cultural Heritage
元拓小楷王獻之十三行 文物局調撥
Xin 00134718 Song-dynasty rubbing copy of Wang Xianzhi’s Thirteen Upper second class Purchased in 1961
Lines 二級甲 1961年收購
Xin 00150573 Qing-dynasty rubbing copy of Wang Xianzhi’s Thirteen Lines Lower second class Purchased in 1963
of the Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River 二級乙 1963年收購
Xin 00178263 Ming-dynasty rubbing copy of the Thirteen Lines and others Upper second class Transferred by the State
明拓十三行集錦 二級甲 Administration of Cultural Heritage
Xin 00179185 Ming-dynasty rubbing copy of the Green Jade version of the Upper second class Other
Thirteen Lines 二級甲 其它升級
Xin 00179186 Qing-dynasty rubbing copy of the Thirteen Lines Third class Other
清拓十三行帖 三級 其它升級
Xin 00185627 Qing-dynasty rubbing copy of the Green Jade version of the Unclassified Transferred by the Ministry of Public
Thirteen Lines 未定級 Security
清初拓玉版十三行 公安部撥交
Xin 00192344, Modern rubbing copy of the Thirteen Lines of the Ode to the Third class Donated by Ma Heng
Xin 00192345, Goddess of the Luo River 三級 馬衡捐贈
Xin 00192346, 近拓洛神賦十三行帖
Xin 00192348,
Xin 00192349
Xin 00200157 Qing-dynasty rubbing copy of the Thirteen Lines of the Ode Third class Purchased in 1992
to the Goddess of the Luo River 三級 1992年收購
Table 1
Rubbing copies of Thirteen Lines of the Ode to the Goddess of the Luo River in the collection of Palace Museum, Beijing