Page 280 - Christie's Fine Chiense Works of Art November 2018 London
P. 280


                                                              PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE ENGLISH COLLECTION
                                                              A JUNYAO BOWL
                                                              YUAN-MING DYNASTY (1279-1644)
                                                              The bowl is covered in a thick pale bluish-lavender glaze with faint crackles,
                                                              thinning to a cream colour at the mouth rim and stopping above the foot.
                                                              3æ in. (9.5 cm.) high
                                                              £3,000-5,000                            $4,000-6,500
                                                              Mrs O. Harriman label to base.
                                                              Private English collection, acquired from a London estate in 2015.

                                                              元/明  鈞窯天藍釉碗
                                                              來源:  英國私人珍藏, 2015年購自倫敦大宅
                                                              英國藏家O. Harriman女士標籤

                                                              PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE ENGLISH COLLECTION
                                                              A FINELY CARVED AND PIERCED BAMBOO PARFUMIER
                                                              18TH CENTURY
                                                              The parfumier is intricately carved with a continuous scene featuring a scholar
                                                              riding a donkey under tall pine trees, led by a boy attendant. The ends have
                                                              later huali fttings.
                                                              9¬ in. (24.5 cm.) high including later huali ends
                                                              £5,000-8,000                           $6,600-10,000
                                                              清十八世紀  竹雕人物故事圖香筒配花梨座

                                                              來源:  英國私人珍藏

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