Page 323 - Christie's Fine Chiense Works of Art November 2018 London
P. 323

          A RARE PAIR OF MOULDED WHITE-GLAZED TRIPOD VESSELS,   Compare a white-glazed jue from the Qianlong period sold at Christie’s Hong
          JUE                                                 Kong, 28 April 1996, lot 718. A Jiaqing-period jue with a similar design was
          QIANLONG INCISED SIX-CHARACTER SEAL MARKS AND OF THE   sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 May 2012, lot 4153.
          PERIOD (1736-1795)
          Crafted of archaic bronze form with two mushroom-capped supports, the   White-glazed porcelain for sacrifcal ceremonies was recorded to have
          sides are moulded in relief with a band of stylised archaistic design on a leiwen   been commissioned as early as the Hongwu emperor (1368-1398). A white
          ground. The vessel is raised on three spreading square feet, the base has three   porcelain jue was excavated from the site of the Imperial kilns at Jingdezhen
          small spur-marks surrounding the reign mark.        in 1982 from the early Yongle (1403-1425) strata and included in the
          7 in. (17.8 cm.) high                               Exhibition of Imperial Porcelain of the Yongle and Xuande Periods Excavated
                                                         (2)  from the Site of the Ming Imperial Factory at Jingdezhen, and illustrated in the
                                                              Catalogue, Hong Kong, 1989, p. 116.
          £10,000-15,000                         $14,000-20,000
                                                              清乾隆  白釉仿古紋爵一對  六字篆書刻款


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