Page 21 - Bonhams May 22, 2019 Asia Art Sydney
P. 21

56                                                                   58
                                                             A FAMILLE-ROSE 'CHERRY BLOSSOM' PLATE                                A CARVED WHITE JADE BEAKER VASE
                                                             Shengdetang mark, Daoguang period                                    18th/ 19th century
                                                             26.9cm diam.                                                         10.8cm high
                                                             $1,500 - 2,200                                                       $2,500 - 3,200
                                                             Provenance:                                                          Provenance:
                                                             Collection of Professor and Judge Arthur Rogerson, Adelaide          Private collection, New York
                                                             Small & Whitfield, Adelaide, 24 April 2007 (receipt)                 Alexsander Galleries, New York
                                                             Private collection, Adelaide                                         Jadestone LLC, Portland. 23 Janurary 2011
                                                                                                                                  Private collection, Adelaide
                                                             Authur Rogerson was Bonython Professor of Law at the University of
                                                             Adelaide from 1964 to 1978, and later a Judge of the Criminal Court.   清十八至十九世紀 白玉饕餮雲紋小觚
                                                             On 21 April 2007, the auction house announced the sale of his estate
                                                             in The Advertiser.                                                   傳承:
                                                             清道光 粉彩櫻花紋盤 「慎德堂製」礬紅楷書款                                               紐約 Alexsander 畫廊
                                                                                                                                  俄勒岡州波特蘭 Jadestone LLC, 2011年1月23日                        58
                                                             傳承:                                                                  澳大利亞阿德萊德私人收藏
                                                             阿德萊德 Arthur Rogerson 教授舊藏
                                                             阿德萊德 Small & Whitfield 拍賣行,2007年4月24日(收據)

                 56                                          Authur Rogerson 於1964年至1978年間任阿德萊德大學法律系教授,
                                                             Advertiser刊登其拍賣廣告。                                                   59
                                                                                                                                  TWO CARVED INK STONES
                                                                                                                                  One inscribed by Jiang Handing (1904-1963), Republic Period
                                                                                                                                  15.0cm high, 20.0cm high (2).
                                                                                                                                  $1,200 - 1,800

                                                                                                                                  民國 雲紋硯台兩枚
                                                             57                                                                   汀,1904-1963)」
                                                             A FAMILLE-ROSE 'FIVE BATS' BOWL
                                                             Tongzhi mark and of the period
                                                             8.3cm diam.
                                                             $500 - 800
                                                                                                                                  60                                                       59
                                                             Provenance:                                                          A CARVED HARDWOOD 'CHESS UNDER THE PINT TREE'
                                                             Private collection, Adelaide, acquired in Hong Kong in the 1920s (by   BRUSH POT
                                                             repute)                                                              Qing Dynasty
                                                             Bruce's Auctions, Adelaide, 26 May 2003 (receipt)                    14.9cm high
                                                             Private collection, Adelaide
                                                                                                                                  $800 - 1,200
                                                             Compare a group of identical pieces, see Sotheby's Hong Kong,        Provenance:
                                                             Chinese Art, 24-25 November 2014, Lot 1351                           Private collection, Sydney, acquired in Hong Kong in the 1930s (by
                 57                                                                                                               repute)
                                                             清同治 粉彩「五幅獻瑞」紋小盤 「同治年製」礬紅楷書款                                          Sotheby's Australia, Fine Asian, Australian & European Art, Decorative
                                                                                                                                  Arts & Furniture, 14 May 2012, Melbourne, lot 353
                                                             傳承:                                                                  Private collection, Adelaide
                                                             Bruce's Auctions, 阿德萊德,2003年5月26日(收據)                                清 木雕松下博弈紋筆筒
                                                             比較一組相同小盤,見香港蘇富比,中國藝術,2014年11月24至25                                   悉尼私人收藏,上世紀三十年代間購於香港(擬)
                                                             日,拍品號1351                                                            澳大利亞蘇富比,Fine Asian, Australian & European Art, Decorative   60
                                                                                                                                  Arts & Furniture, 2012年5月14日,墨爾本,拍品353

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