Page 26 - Bonhams May 22, 2019 Asia Art Sydney
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           ATTRIBUTED TO HUA YAN (1682 - 1756)               藏印:梁氏家藏                                                              Provenance:                                       NISHIKAWA NOBUHARU (EDO PERIOD, 19TH CENTURY)
           Landscape                                                                                                              Charlotte Horstmann & Gerald Godfrey Ltd, Hong Kong, 13 August   Taoist Study, and Snowstorm
           Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll           傳承:                                                                  1989                                              Two Kakejiku (vertical hanging scroll), ink and colours on paper in silk
           Inscribed and signed Dongyuan Sheng, with three seals of the artist  墨爾本私人收藏,已故藏家大部分書畫已於2018年11月通過邦瀚斯                  Private collection, New South Wales               mounts, with seal Nishikawa Nobuharu
           Dated the seventh year of the Yongzheng reign (1729)  悉尼辦公室釋出市場。見邦瀚斯,Important Asian Art,悉尼,2018                                                                         127.0 x 42.2cm each (2).
           96.0 x 40.0cm                                     年11月15日,拍品103至117號                                                   吳石仙 溪山煙雨 水墨紙本 立軸 一八八九年作                           $1,000 - 2,000
           $1,000 - 2,000                                      73                                                                 款識:溪山煙雨。模米南宮筆法。已丑(1889)春三月,竹交二兄                   Provenance:
           Provenance:                                       WU SHIXIAN (1856-1919)                                               大人雅正。白下吳石仙。                                       Private collection, Melbourne
           Private collection, Melbourne                     Misty Landscape in the manner of Mi Fu                               鈐印:石仙
                                                             Ink on paper, hanging scroll                                                                                           The majority of the paintings from this estate were sold with Bonhams
           The majority of the paintings from this estate were sold with Bonhams   Titled, inscribed and signed Baixia Wu Shixian, with a dedication and   傳承:                      in Sydney in 2018, see Bonhams Important Asian Art, Sydney, 15
           in Sydney in 2018, see Bonhams Important Asian Art, Sydney, 15   one seal of the artist                                香港 Charlotte Horstmann & Gerald Godfrey Ltd 古董商,1989年8  November 2018, lot 103 to 117.
           November 2018, lot 103 to 117.                    Dated the third month of jichou year (1889)                          月13日
                                                             113.0 x 32.0cm                                                       澳大利亞紐省私人收藏                                        Nishikawa was an ukiyo-e artist active in Osaka during the Edo period,
           (傳)華岩 孤蓬野渡 設色紙本 立軸 一七二九年作                         $1,000 - 2,000                                                                                                         practising in the style of Nishikawa Sukenobu. His activities during his
                                                                                                                                                                                    lifetime are largely unknown, except for a few illustrations published
           款識:雍正七年(1729),八月東園生寫於講聲書舍。                                                                                                                                               in 1831 and ukiyo-e prints of famous actors published in 1832 which
           鈐印:新羅山人、秋岳、布衣生                                                                                                                                                           testify to his artistic achievements.

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