Page 23 - Bonhams May 22, 2019 Asia Art Sydney
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           62                                                傳承:                                                                  於1895年至1933年間位於阿姆斯特丹的裝裱行                          阿德萊德私人收藏,上世紀七十年代購於香港
           AFTER LIU SONGNIAN (1174-1224)                    邦瀚斯,三藩市,Asian Decorative Arts,2015年6月25日,拍品                          Peter F Scammell & Assoc.拍賣行,阿德萊德,2003年2月25日      悉尼私人收藏
           Blue and Green Landscape, 18th century            8559號                                                                阿德萊德私人收藏
           Ink and colour silk, hanging scroll               阿德萊德私人收藏                                                                                                               65
           Signed Liu Songnian, with one seal of the artist                                                                       64                                                ATTRIBUTED TO GU LUO (1762-1837)
           Inscription on painting by Wu Kuan (1435-1504), with two seals of his,   63                                            YANG TINGCHUN (19TH/ 20TH CENTURY)                Paradise Flycatchers and Camellia
           dated the third year of the Chenghua reign (1467)  ANONYMOUS                                                           Cormorant under Lotus                             Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll
           160.5 x 87.5cm                                    Portrait of a noble family, 18th century                             Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll           Inscribed and signed Ximei Gu Luo, with two seals of the artist
                                                             Ink and colour on paper, framed                                      Titled, and signed Yang Tingchun, with two seals of the artist  Dated spring of bingwu year (1786)
           $5,000 - 8,000                                    116.0 x 61.0cm                                                       160.5 x 43.5cm                                    124.0 x 43.0cm
           Provenance:                                       $2,000 - 3,000                                                       $500 - 800                                        $600 - 800
           Bonhams, San Francisco, Asian Decorative Arts, 25 June 2015,
           lot 8559                                          Provenance:                                                          Provenance:                                       Provenance:
           Private collection, Adelaide                      Private collection, Amsterdam, acquired in the 1930s, bearing the    Private collection, Adelaide, acquired in Hong Kong in 1970s  Private collection, Adelaide, acquired in Hong Kong in 1970s
                                                             label of "Wed. C.D. Fetter & Zonen", a framer based in Amsterdam     Private collection, Sydney                        Private collection, Sydney
           劉松年(款) 青綠山水 設色絹本 立軸 清十八世紀                         from 1895 to 1933
                                                             Peter F Scammell & Assoc., South Australia, 25 February 2003         楊廷椿 一路連陞 設色紙本 立軸                                  (傳)顧洛 綬帶茶花 設色紙本 立軸
           款識:劉松年製。                                          Private collection, Adelaide
           鈐印:□                                                                                                                   款識:一路連陞。楊廷椿寫。                                     款識:丙午(1786)花朝偶擬白雲外史筆意。西梅顧洛。
                                                             佚名 書堂清居 設色紙本 鏡框 清十八世紀                                                鈐印:思君令人老、 得不逢人熱腸                                  鈐印:顧洛印、西梅居士
           染,居人說是武陵源。成化三年(1467)八月。長州吳寬題。鈐印:                  傳承:                                                                  楊廷椿,字壽萱,光緒十六年(1890)進士,後任雲南知縣。                     傳承:
           原博、吳寬                                             阿姆斯特丹私人收藏,上世紀三十年代購於當地,畫框背後貼有                                                                                           阿德萊德私人收藏,上世紀七十年代購於香港
                                                             「Wed. C.D. Fetter & Zonen」 標籤。Wed. C.D. Fetter & Zonen 是             傳承:                                               悉尼私人收藏
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