Page 25 - Bonhams May 22, 2019 Asia Art Sydney
P. 25


           69                                                70
           69                                                70                                                                   PU RU (1896-1963)
           LIU TANG (19TH/ 20TH CENTURY)                     ATTRIBUTED TO CHEN JIRU (1558-1639)                                  Landscape with Pine Trees
           Spring Landscape                                  Plum Blossoms, 19th century                                          Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll
           Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll           Ink and colour on paper, hanging scroll                              Inscribed and signed Pu Ru, with a dedication and three
           Inscribed and signed Liu Tang, with two seals of the artist  Inscribed and signed Chen Jiru, with two seals of the artist  seals of the artist
           132.0 x 32.0cm                                    Dated binzi year of the Chongzhen reign (1636)                       98.0 x 33.0cm
                                                             Inscription on painting by Zhang Wentao (1764-1814), with two seals
           $800 - 1,200                                      of his, dated xinyou year of the Qianlong reign (1741), and Zheng Fu   $15,000 - 22,000
           Provenance:                                       (1622-1693), with two seals of his, dated gengshen year (1680)       Provenance:
           East and West Art, Melbourne                      104.0 x 25.5cm                                                       East and West Art, Melbourne, acquired in Beijing in the
           Private collection, Melbourne                     $2,000 - 3,000                                                       1970s
                                                                                                                                  Private collection, Melbourne
           柳堂 楊柳春風 設色紙本 立軸                                   Provenance:
                                                             East and West Art, Melbourne, acquired in Beijing in the late 1970s  溥儒将 松林雲影 設色紙本 立軸
           釋文:依依楊柳曉煙輕,春風初生兩岸平。萬裏鵬程人意樂,好風初                    Private collection, Melbourne
           送到蓬瀛。                                                                                                                  款識:松林帶斜照,雲影前山光。禮文先生正。
           鈐印:柳堂書畫、模山範水                                      陳繼儒将(款) 梅 設色紙本 立軸 清十九世紀                                              鈐印:舊王孫、溥儒将、松巢客

           傳承:                                               款識:崇禎丙子(1636)嘉平月既望。眉公陳繼儒将。                                           傳承:
           墨爾本東西畫廊                                           鈐印:陳繼儒将印、眉公                                                          墨爾本東西畫廊,七十年代末購於北京
           墨爾本私人收藏                                                                                                                墨爾本私人收藏                                         71
           48  |  BONHAMS                                                                                                                                                                                                FINE ASIAN ART  |  49
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