Page 85 - Indian and Himalayan Art, March 15, 2017 Sotheby's NYC
P. 85



PROPERTY FROM THE LANIER COLLECTION                 with downcast eyes. Away from home and on            facial types with side tendrils / disposition
                                                    campaign they wear katars (daggers) in their         and stances of the gures / crisp color palette
BHILANI THE HUNTRESS                                waistbands. A huntsman metaphorically aims an        / compartmentalization with registers of
Central India, Bundelkhand or                       arrow at a leaping deer.                             simultaneous action / schematic decorative
Panna, circa 1720-30                                                                                     foliage / pillow-like mauve hillsides and stylized
                                                    Inscribed recto at upper left in black ink nagari    crosshatching which de ne zones of landscape
Gouache with ink and gold on paper                  script “Bhilani”. Inscribed in the reverse with two  all appear to be special features of this workshop
image: 11¾ by 9¾ in. (27.9 by 22.8 cm)              lines of black ink nagari script which charmingly    during the 1770’s. Given its extremely high
folio: 11¾ by 8¾ in. (27.9 by 20.3 cm)              translates to:                                       quality our present painting may well have been
                                                                                                         created by one of the unnamed masters of that
PROVENANCE                                          “With her bow-like eyebrows and the arrows of        workshop. Crisply painted in greens/blues/
                                                    her eyes                                             reds and mauve with bright white architectural
Sam Fogg Ltd., London                               Bhilani easily hunts the deer-like hearts of men     elements and gold embellishment. Natural/bu
Acquired 1999                                       those su ering the pangs of separation.”             borders and gray ruled lines.

In the upper register a blue-skinned lord           This superb miniature painting likely originated     $ 6,000-8,000
personi ed as Krishna is entertained by a dancer    from a thikana of Bundelkhand and is from
accompanied by musicians while his beloved          a series which depicts women of a di erent                                                                                        83
waits seated within a small pavilion. In the        castes (jats) as an archetypal nayika (heroine)
lower register a con dent Bhilani seductively       often in the presence of Krishna. Distinctive
gestures to two love-lorn and supplicating princes
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