Page 168 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
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           A SPINACH-GREEN JADE CIRCULAR     A SPINACH-GREEN JADE COVER       The present lot would have probably served
           BOX AND COVER                     18th/19th century                as cover to a circular box, which were usually
           Qianlong                          Expertly carved around the exterior in low   decorated with low-relief floral designs.
           The box with gently rounded sides, set on a   relief with a continuous scene of cranes   See a spinach-green jade circular box and
           crisply carved foot, the rounded cover skillfully   amongst gnarled pine trees, the dark green   cover decorated with geometric designs
           carved with a single lotus spray borne on a   stone with pale cloudy inclusions.   and a chilong, Qing dynasty, illustrated in
           trailing leafy stem within a raised circular border.  14.2cm (5 5/8in) diam.  The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
           7.1cm (2 3/4in) diam. (2).                                         Palace Museum. Jadeware, vol.3, Hong
                                             £1,000 - 1,500                   Kong, 1995, p.84.
           £2,500 - 3,500                    CNY8,900 - 13,000
           CNY22,000 - 31,000                                                 See also a spinach-green jade circular box
                                                                              and cover decorated with low relief floral
                                             十八/十九世紀 碧玉松鶴紋器蓋                  designs, 18th century, which was sold at
           清乾隆 碧玉雕花卉紋圓蓋盒                                                      Christie’s Hong Kong, 27 May 2008, lot 1964.
           Provenance:                       The Liebermann Collection        倫敦古董商Spink & Son開立於1928年
           Parry Collection, London, and thence by   Spink & Son Ltd., London   的發票稱此例來自Liebermann舊藏,
           descent                           E. A. Parry (1879-1946), London, acquired   或指德國畫家馬克思·利伯曼(Max
                                             from the above on 31 July 1928, and thence   Liebermann,1847-1935);他同時也是
           來源:                               by descent                       當時柏林最為重要的收藏家之一,據稱其
           倫敦Parry家族收藏,並由後人保存迄今                                               於1900年起開始收藏中國藝術。利伯曼曾
                                             來源:                              將兩件藏品借展於1929年柏林中國藝術展,
           Compare with a related green jade box   Liebermann舊藏               見《Ausstellung Chinesischer Kunst》,
           and cover, Qing dynasty, illustrated in The   倫敦古董商Spink & Son Ltd.   柏林,1929年,展覽編號769與1045。
           Complete Collection of Treasures of the   倫敦E. A. Parry(1879-1946)舊藏,於1928
           Palace Museum: Jadeware, vol.3, Hong   年7月31日購自上者,並由後人保存迄今         本例應作為圓形器物的器蓋使用,原器身應
           Kong, 1995, p.84. A related white jade circular                    以淺浮雕裝飾同類題材。如一例清代碧玉圓
           box and cover, 18th century, was sold at   The 1928 Spink & Son invoice refers to the   蓋盒,收錄於《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全
           Bonhams London, 11 May 2021, lot 289.   Liebermann Collection. This may refer to   集:玉器(下)》,香港,1995年,頁84。
                                             the collection of the German painter Max
           參考清宮舊藏一例碧玉蓋盒,收錄於《故宮               Liebermann (1847-1935), who was one of   參考一例十八世紀碧玉雕圓蓋盒,器身浮雕
           博物館藏文物珍品全集:玉器(下)》,                the most important Berlin art collectors of the   纏枝花卉,售於香港佳士得,2008年5月27
           香港,1995年,頁84。另見一例白玉圓              Imperial Era and the Weimar Republic and is   日,拍品編號1964。
           蓋盒,與本例尺寸相仿,售於倫敦邦瀚                 reported to have turned to collecting Chinese
           斯,2021年5月11日,拍品編號289。             art from 1900. Two pieces from his collection
                                             were included in the 1929 Chinese Art Exhibition
                                             in Berlin; see Ausstellung Chinesischer Kunst,
                                             Berlin, 1929, nos.769 and 1045.

                                                  For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           166  |  BONHAMS                        please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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