Page 169 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 169

62                                63

                                             62  Y                            63  Y
                                             A SPINACH-GREEN JADE FIGURE OF    A SPINACH-GREEN JADE RETICULATED
                                             LÜ DONGBIN                       MUSICAL STONE SUSPENDING A
                                             Late Qing Dynasty                DOUBLE-FISH PENDANT
                                             The tall bearded Daoist Immortal dressed in   Qianlong/Jiaqing
                                             long flowing robes, a sword and straw hat   The upper pendant finely pierced as a chime
                                             slung across his back, a fly whisk held in his   surrounded by floral scrolls and above twin
                                             right hand, the stone of dark-green tone with   confronted fish, suspending a smaller double-
                                             areas of paler inclusions, with hongmu stand.   fish pendant from a chain, the stone of dark-
                                             18cm (7 1/8in) high. (2).        green tone with black speckles, all suspended
                                                                              from a later carved openwork hongmu stand.
                                             £800 - 1,200                     The large plaque 10.1cm (4in) wide; the stand
                 Lot 61 (invoice)            CNY7,200 - 11,000                34.5cm (13 1/2in) high. (3).
                                             清晚期 碧玉雕呂洞賓像                      £3,000 - 5,000
                                                                              CNY27,000 - 45,000
                                             J. C. Vickery, London            清乾隆/嘉慶 碧玉吉慶有餘磬
                                             E. A. Parry (1879-1946), London, acquired
                                             from the above on 19 July 1928, and thence   Provenance:
                                             by descent                       Spink & Son Ltd., London,
                                                                              E. A. Parry (1879-1946), London, acquired
                                             來源:                              from the above on 30 September 1923, and
                                             倫敦古董商J. C. Vickery               thence by descent
                                             倫敦E. A. Parry(1879-1946)舊藏,於1928
                                             年7月19日購自上者,並由後人保存迄今              來源:
                 Lot 62 (invoice)                                             倫敦古董商Spink & Son Ltd.
                                             Lü Dongbin is one of the Eight Immortals,   倫敦E. A. Parry(1879-1946)舊藏,於1923
                                             honoured as a great poet and swordsman   年9月30日購自上者,並由後人保存迄今
                                             and shown here wearing his scholar’s robes.
                                             A related albeit white jade figure of Lü   A related pale green suspended jade chime,
                                             Dongbin, 18th century, was sold at Bonhams   18th/19th century, was sold at Christie’s
                                             London, 17 May 2012, lot 47.     London, 16 May 2014, lot 1208.

                                             呂洞賓,道教仙人,八仙之一。此例碧玉琢              倫敦佳士得曾於2014年5月16日售出一例十
                                             制,身著士袍,寬衣博帶,背劍執拂。可對              八/十九世紀白玉雕磬,拍品編號1208,可資
                                             比一例十八世紀白玉雕呂洞賓像,售於倫敦              比對。

                                             For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
                 Lot 63 (invoice)            please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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