Page 328 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 328

395                                                Literature comparison: Compare the style with a similar set of paintings in
             A ThANgKA WITh sceNes FROM The JATAKAs,            Kreijger, 2001, pp. 35-37.
             TIbeT, 18Th-19Th ceNTuRy
                                                                 AucTION ResulT
             This work belongs to a series of scenes from the Avadanakalpalata   cOMPARIsON
             or “108 deeds of the Lord Buddha narrated in the Jatakas”, which   Compare with a closely related work at Christie’s
             tell the stories of the previous lives of Shakyamuni leading to his   New york in Indian, Himalayan and Southeast
             enlightenment.                                      Asian Works of Art, 15 March 2016, lot 216, sold
                                                                 for USD $18,750.
               Provenance: From a French private collection.
               condition: Extensive wear, staining and some pigment losses, creases
               and minor tears, some areas possibly with minuscule old touchups.   本生故事唐卡,西藏,十八至十九世紀
             Dimensions: 87 x 65 cm
             Painted in distemper on linen with various neatly inscribed scenes, including   舊修飾。
             several students receiving teachings, all set within a delicately painted   尺寸:87 x 65 厘米
             landscape in Chinese style, and large mountains in the distance. The   拍賣結果比較:一件相似唐卡2016年3月15日于紐約佳士得《印度、喜馬拉雅和東南
             paintings of the miniature scenes are attributable to a school of painting   亞工藝品》拍號 216,成交價USD $18,750。
             devised by Situ Panchen, Chokyi Jungne (1700-1774), a lama of the Karmapa
             order in eastern Tibet who designed the composition of a similar series. The   estimate euR 3.000,-
             backside with a short inscription, probably an artist signature.  Starting price EUr 1.500,-

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