Page 329 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 329

          A RARe ThANgKA WITh A MANdAlA OF buddhA,
          TIbeT 18Th ceNTuRy

          Very fine painting with distemper and gold on linen. Buddha is at   Dimensions: 35 x 35 cm (the painting) and 51 x 51 cm (the frame)
          the center, flanked by his disciples Sariputra and Maugdalyayana.
          Surrounding the trio, each set within a lotus petal, are 16 Indian   Fine old wood frame with the mandala nicely set between two layers of
          Arhats. The four cardinal points are each guarded by a lokapala.   glass.
          Outside of the circle we eventually find the two Chinese arhats,
          Dharmatala and Hvashang.                          曼陀羅唐卡,西藏,十八世紀
           Provenance: The Schulmann Collection,            兩側。四周 三重環繞,第一重十六個印度羅漢分別坐在一個蓮花花瓣中。第二重四
           Paris, France. Acquired ca. 1960-1970.           個正角分別由護世四天王保護。 在圈子外,有兩個中國羅漢,達摩多羅和摩诃衍尊
           Josette and Théo Schulmann were
           passionate dealers of Asian Art and have         來源:法國巴黎Schulmann收藏。購於1960-1970年間。Josette與 Théo Schul-
           donated several important works to the           mann曾是熱衷於亞洲藝術的商人,曾捐助過很多重要藝術品給Cernuschi 美術館。
           Cernuschi Museum. Old paper label from           背面有巴Claude de Muzac的舊紙標簽。
           Claude de Muzac, Paris, on the backside.         品相:摺痕、色彩損失、污漬。 總體來說很好而且絕對原始狀況
                                                            尺寸:畫35 x 35 厘米,裝幀51 x 51 厘米
           condition: Creases, pigment losses,
           stains. Overall good and absolutely original   Josette and théo
           condition.                  Schulmann            estimate euR 1.500,-
                                                            Starting price EUr 750,-

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