Page 331 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 331

398                                               The central figure is flanked by mythical creatures such as Makara or
          A ThANgKA OF MARIchI, The bOdhIsATTVA             Buddhist lions as well as various miniature images of Tara in all her
          OF lIghT, TIbeT 18Th ceNTuRy                      emanations. Marichi is worshiped as the Bodhisattva of light and the
                                                            guardian of all nations, whom she protects from the fury of war. She is also
          Depiction of the twelve-armed Goddess Marichi seated on a flaming   sometimes included as one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals associated
          throne and holding various weapons such as a sword, an arrow, an axe   with the Buddha of Medicine. The metaphor for spiritual practice and
          or a bow. Her main hands in Anjuli mudra, others hold a vessel and   meditation is light overcoming darkness.
          a miniature medicine Buddha. Painted in gouache and gold on linen.
          Chinese silk and gold brocade mounting with dragon scrolls and shou   摩利支天菩薩唐卡,西藏,十八世紀
          characters, protective cover.                     描繪了坐在火紅寶座上並手持各種武器如劍、箭、斧頭或弓的十二臂摩利支天菩薩。
           Provenance: From the private collection of an Austrian lawyer who
           worked for the IAEA, a UN organization. Acquired during frequent   來源:奧地利一位律師私人收藏,他曾經在聯合國國際原子能機構工作,他在1970
           travels to Ladakh and the region in 1970s, probably from Hemis or   年代頻繁前往拉達克和該地區旅行,可能是從Hemis或Spituk修道院中購得的。 自
           Spituk monasteries. Thence by descent to the present owner.  品相:原始品相極好,輕微的摺痕,污漬和缺損。裝幀有輕微撕裂、脫落和鬆動。
           condition: Very good original condition with minor creases, stains and   尺寸:畫面72 x 54 厘米,裝幀117 x 90 厘米
           losses. The mounting with minor tears, losses and loose threads.
                                                            estimate euR 1.500,-
          Dimensions: 72 x 54 cm (the image) and 117 x 90 cm (the mounting)  Starting price EUr 750.,-

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