Page 334 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 334
A bROcAde-MOuNTed ThANgKA OF The
‘gOldeN’ buddhA shAKyAMuNI VAJRAsANA
East Tibet, late 18th – mid-19th century. The golden Buddha seated on Buddha is flanked by Avalokiteshvara and the Green Tara, above him
a lotus throne and in front of a monumental lotus aureole, the right Tsongkhapa, flanked by Buddhas and Gelugpa-Lamas, in the lower corners
hand in bhumisparsa mudra, the left holding a vajra in vertical position. we find Mahakala and Palden Lhamo.
Painted in gouache and gold on textile. Note the virtuosic quality of the
detail work, especially to the face of Buddha himself. 釋迦牟尼金剛坐唐卡
金剛杵。 布面設色和和金彩。注意細節的藝術品質,尤其是佛陀的臉部描繪。
Provenance: Dr. W. D. Franz (1915-2005), North Rhine-Westphalia,
Germany. Lempertz, 15 June 2018, lot 10, sold for EUR €6,820. A 來源:德國北威州Dr. W. D. Franz (1915-2005)。德國Lempertz拍賣行2018年6月 15
Hungarian collector, acquired from the above. 日,拍號 10,成交價€6.820。匈牙利藏家,購於上述拍賣。
品相:摺痕,色素損失,輕微污漬。 金屬手柄之一丟失。 裝幀有輕微磨損、脫落和
condition: Creases, losses of pigments, minor stains. One of the metal 鬆線。整體原始狀況良好。
handles lost. The brocade with minor wear, losses and loose threads. 尺寸:畫面74 x 51 厘米,裝幀130 x 75 厘米
Overall fine original condition.
estimate euR 3.000,-
Dimensions: 74 x 51 cm (the painting) and 130 x 75 cm (the mounting) Starting price EUr 1.500,-