Page 193 - Bonhams Cornette Saint Cyr, Property from the estate of Jean-Pierre Rousset (1936-2021)
P. 193

           Thaïlande, Lopburi, XIIIe siècle
           Thailand, Lopburi, 13th century
           Defined by the handle of adze held in his
           right hand, the celestial architect faces frontal
           kneeling in his distinct pose. His long torso is
           adorned with a short, pleated sampot which
           folds down into his lap and a large mass of
           overhanging pleated fabric at the back. Three
           lines incised across his abdomen are revealed,
           indicating folds of the flesh similar to those   It was during the great building projects   The present lot is a part of this later group
           found around his neck. His beaded armbands   commenced by King Jayavarman VII (r.1181-  from Lopburi and he shows strong influence
           wide pectoral are adorned with pearls and   1291) that Vishvakarman iconography   Bayon elements in his modelling and facial
           leaf motifs, bud-shaped earrings hang to his   became popular within the Khmer empire.   form. Compare with a smaller and less
           shoulders, and vertical rows of braids are   The embodiment of a sculptor, architect and   refined example in the Suan Pakkad Palace
           upswept in a towering coiffure framed by a   priest, the deity is Hindu in origin and was   Collection, see M.C.S.Diskul et al., The Suan
           narrow foliate diadem, stand.     first referred to in the Vedas and Puranas.   Pakkad Palace Collection, 1982, no.26, p.47
           18.4cm (7 1/4in) high. (2).       Regardless, during the twelfth and thirteenth   and Bonhams New York, 19 March 2012, lot
                                             centuries, his image of revered by both   1142.
           €8,000 - 12,000                   Buddhists and Hindu worshippers in the
                                             region. Not only were bronzes cast prolifically   泰國 華富里 十三世紀 銅毘首羯磨坐像
           Provenance:                       cast in Cambodia, but also many remain
           Mr. Pila, Plenipotentiary Minister of France to   extant from Khmer territory in Thailand in the   來源:
           the Kingdom of Siam               thirteenth century when Brahmanic casting   巴黎Robert Rousset(1901-1981)舊藏,
           Robert Rousset, Paris (1901-1981), acquired   was rare, see J. Boisselier and J. Beurdeley,   於1926年得自法國駐暹羅全權公使Pila先生
           from the above in 1926            The Heritage of Thai Sculpture, 1975,   巴黎Jean-Pierre Rousset(1936-2021)舊藏
           Jean-Pierre Rousset, Paris (1936-2021)  pp.124-125.

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