Page 29 - ZHZG1
P. 29
2021 年 第 1 期
In recent years, offshore wind power, an important part the Longyuan Zhenhua 3 with a lifting capacity of 2,000 tons.
of the world's clean energy development, has stepped into As the world's leading wind power installation platform, it is
a period of rapid development in recent years. Especially in a multi-functional platform integrating offshore piling, lifting
order to achieve the goal of "peak carbon dioxide emissions and transportation, engineering installation and wind farm
and carbon neutrality”, offshore wind power will usher in a maintenance. "Longyuan Zhenhua 3" can operate in muddy and
bright prospect. Due to the complex and changeable operation sandy waters within water depth of 50 meters and is equipped
environment at sea, the transportation and installation of with DP1; it can operate in standing or floating status; its tail
equipment requires high reliable equipment with high operation crane is up to 1,500 tons. It has a deck area of 3,000 square
ability. Therefore, the self-elevating wind power installation meters, and can carry 3 sets of 6 MW wind turbines or 2 sets
platform, as a "secret weapon", emerges at the right moment. of 8 MW wind turbines, which can meet the area requirements
As early as in 2009, ZPMC began to enter the field of the owner when operates in the wind farm to the greatest
of self-elevating offshore wind power platform design and extent; its double spreads of 1500 tons +1500 tons are suitable
independently developed a series of self-elevating wind power for horizontal lifting of long and large pieces, and can turn
installation platforms, such as 800T "Longyuan Zhenhua 2", over the pile directly at the same time, without the support of
1,000T "Sanhang Fenghua”, 1,200T "Sanhang Fenghe", and pile turner or other equipment... Put into use at the beginning
2,000T "Longyuan Zhenhua 3". The operating water depth of of 2018, "Longyuan Zhenhua 3” is still the world's largest wind
these platforms has been raised from 30 meters to 50 meters, power installation platform with the largest lifting capacity.
the crane form includes leg encircling crane and deck crane, However, ZPMC has more commitment and goals in
and the form of lifting system includes pinion and rack type and the field of offshore wind power. In recent years, the ZPMC
hydraulic bolt type. At the time of delivery, each wind power team has fully considered the market demand, optimized and
platform was the one with the largest lifting weight, the largest upgraded its series of self-developed wind power installation
water depth and the most advanced functions in China. platforms, and formed a "2030" series full-function wind power
Among them, the 1,000T "Sanhang Fenghua" self-elevating installation engineering vessels: 1,200/1,300T full-function wind
wind power installation platform was put into use in early 2016. It power lifting and maintenance platform; 2,000T full functional
was the largest platform with leg encircling crane in China at that economical wind power installation platform and 3,000 T fully
time, and the first one with DP1 dynamic positioning. In the project functional and efficient wind power installation platform. "2030"
design stage, ZPMC team communicated and analyzed with the series fully meets the demand of wind power installation
owner: the foundation leg is getting bigger and heavier, and the platform in an all-round way and has solidified ZPMC's leading
capacity of wind turbine is also gradually increasing, so the lifting position in the field of wind power platform design in China.
capacity of the installation platform must be improved to meet the ZPMC is also keenly aware of the operation and
new market demand. Due to the requirement of high accuracy maintenance needs of offshore wind power, and the next era of
offshore installations, ZPMC team designed the DP1 dynamic offshore wind power will focus on operation and maintenance.
positioning function to solve the previous problem of insufficient Therefore, ZPMC's "2060" offshore wind power operation and
accuracy. It took ZPMC only two years to complete the platform maintenance series rose to meet the call of the era. This series
from independent design, R&D to production and commissioning of wind power operation and maintenance vessels includes
of the platform. After delivered, "Sanhang Fenghua" has achieved two types: the 2020 high-speed catamaran and the 2060 wind
great success in practical application. power operation and maintenance mother vessel. They feature
The success of the 1,000T self-elevating installation safety, small size, low energy consumption, independently
platform has demonstrated ZPMC's capabilities in terms of developed core accessories and low cost, and can meet
R&D, design and manufacturing. However, the ZPMC team the future demand of offshore wind power operation and
was not satisfied with this, it began to design and develop maintenance. 振
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