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       38   Middle East & Africa                                                                                    The Economist April 25th 2020

         2 tractors have limited the number of pas-       Israeli politics                              anyahu, who faces corruption charges,
           sengers, but it is hard to keep two metres                                                   with a law banning indicted politicians
           apart. Workers on Qatar’s football World Bibi wins again                                     from forming a government. He refused,
           Cup stadiums and Dubai’s World Expo fa-                                                      instead signalling that he would break his
           cilities have been diagnosed with the virus.                                                 biggest campaign promise and team up
              Other workers have the opposite pro-                                                      with the prime minister, causing a split in
           blem. Entire sectors of the economy, from                                                    the opposition (and within his own party).
           hospitality to retail, are closed. Thousands                                                     Mr Gantz has tried to put a brave face on
           of employees have already been dismissed                                                     his decision. “The sad truth is that an entire
                                                          Israel has a new government at last
           or furloughed. Their numbers will grow:                                                      country has been paralysed for two years
           migrants are the first to lose their jobs dur-     ovid-19 has caused much misery. But        under a caretaker government,” he said,
           ing a downturn. The imf’s latest forecast is Con April 20th it helped end Israel’s po-       while chastising his former partners for
           a 2% contraction in Saudi Arabia this year     litical deadlock. After three inconclusive    “preferring political victories over winning
           and 4% in Bahrain, Qatar and the uae. It       elections in the span of a year, the country’s  the battle against coronavirus”.
           was released before the recent meltdown        two biggest parties, Likud and Blue and           The prime minister was surely pleased.
           in oil markets, so even those numbers may      White, put aside their differences and         Mr Netanyahu, who heads a bloc of reli-
           prove too rosy. Charities are already an-      agreed to form a “national-emergency un-      gious and nationalist parties, is likely to re-
           swering calls from migrants who struggle       ity government”. Under the deal, Binyamin     main the real power in Israel even if he
           to afford food.                                 Netanyahu, the long-serving prime minis-      does give up the premiership in November
              Gulf states would like to send the newly    ter (pictured), remains in the post for an-   2021. He commands the allegiance of near-
           unemployed home. But their home coun-          other 18 months. Then he will hand over to    ly three-quarters of the governing co-
           tries are not always eager to take back (and   Benny Gantz, the leader of Blue and White,    alition. One of Mr Gantz’s colleagues will
           quarantine) thousands of jobless citizens.     who will serve as deputy prime minister       control the justice ministry, ensuring that
           India, which supplies millions of workers      and defence minister in the meantime.         Mr Netanyahu’s corruption trial proceeds
           to the Gulf, went into lockdown on March          The agreement was signed just two          as scheduled on May 24th (virus permit-
           25th and halted all commercial flights. It      weeks before the deadline that would have     ting). But it is expected to drag on—and will
           says it cannot bring back all its citizens un-  triggered a fourth election. The relief is pal-  certainly be followed by an appeal to the
           til the measures end, no earlier than May      pable. According to one poll, only 31% of     Supreme Court if Mr Netanyahu loses. In
           3rd. The uae’s labour ministry has threat-     the public believe that Mr Netanyahu will     the meantime, he has retained the power to
           ened to limit the number of future work        honour the agreement and make way for         veto senior judicial appointments, includ-
           visas for countries that “have not been re-    Mr Gantz when his time is up. But the alter-  ing those of Supreme Court judges.
           sponsive” about repatriating their citizens.   native—yet another bitter election cam-           The agreement delays any move to an-
           Ethiopia is quietly grumbling about a wave     paign, while the country is under lock-       nex the occupied territories, as envisaged
           of deportations from Saudi Arabia.             down and entering a recession—sounded         by President Donald Trump’s peace plan,
              State media have tried to downplay any      worse. Nearly two-thirds of the public sup-   until July at the earliest. Mr Netanyahu
           discrimination. One gauzy ad from the uae      ports the new government, with only about     campaigned on moving aggressively; Mr
           tells foreigners that they are part of a “fam-  a fifth opposing it.                          Gantz opposed unilateral annexation. The
           ily” of 10m. But some prominent figures            Entering the coalition talks, Mr Gantz     deal says it should proceed in a way that
           have denounced migrants as a vector for        held a strong hand. A majority of lawmak-     does not harm Israel’s interests, “including
           disease. Hayat al-Fahad, a Kuwaiti actress,    ers in the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) en-  the needs for preserving regional stability,
           said in a television interview that the coun-  dorsed him to be prime minister and he        protecting existing peace agreements and
           try was “fed up” with the foreigners who       had control of parliamentary business. But    aspiring for future ones.” Mr Netanyahu
           make up two-thirds of the population and       his supporters were divided on much else      will probably have the final say.
           suggested putting them in the desert. An       and refused to sit together in government.        The outbreak of covid-19 has led to more
           Emirati social-media personality defended      Some wanted Mr Gantz to threaten Mr Net-      co-operation between Israelis and Pales-
           her comments by explaining that she only                                                     tinians. But annexation of territory that the
           meant Asian labourers: “Do you expect that                                                   Palestinians regard as part of their future
           we…equate a Bengali worker with an Egyp-                                                     state would probably kill any hope of a two-
           tian worker? God forbid!” (Many Gulf citi-                                                   state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian
           zens criticised both their remarks.)                                                         conflict and could ignite violence. Mr Net-
              The social contract in the  gcc has al-                                                   anyahu will obviously want to avoid that,
           ways been transactional. Foreigners are                                                      but he may feel he needs to move before
           paid more than they would earn in their                                                      November, when his chum Mr Trump may
           home countries. Even unskilled labourers                                                     be voted out of office.
           toiling in the heat make enough to send                                                          At home Mr Netanyahu faces a weak and
           back remittances. In return they accept a                                                    fragmented opposition. Blue and White
           state of permanent transience. Residency                                                     has split into four different parties. One of
           is tied to employment: no matter how long                                                    them, Yesh Atid, is led by Yair Lapid, who
           you work in the Gulf, you will probably                                                      apologised “to everyone who I convinced
           have to leave once you cease being useful.                                                   over the past year to vote for Benny Gantz
           Even wealthy expats are being reminded                                                       and Blue and White. I didn’t believe your
           that they are outsiders. Many of those who                                                   votes would be stolen.” Once-dominant La-
           happened to be travelling when the lock-                                                     bour, the party of Israel’s founders, is down
           down began now cannot get back to their                                                      to three members of the Knesset, two of
           homes in Qatar or Dubai. Some are separat-                                                   whom will be joining the government. Mr
           ed from spouses or parents. Far from bring-                                                  Gantz, meanwhile, is now bound to protect
           ing people together, the virus underscores                                                   Mr Netanyahu—or risk not becoming
           how far apart they are. 7                      Clap your hands and say meh                   prime minister. 7
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