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            Middle East & Africa                                                                                    The Economist April 25th 2020    37

                                                                                                             Also in this section
                                                                                                          38 A good deal for Bibi in Israel

                                                                                                          39 Preventing a food crisis in Africa
                                                                                                          40 The death of a Nigerian reformer

           The Gulf’s outbreak                                                                           miles). Workers, put on leave, were allowed
                                                                                                         out only to buy food or other essentials.
           Covid in the camps                                                                               State media in Saudi Arabia and the Un-
                                                                                                         ited Arab Emirates (uae), which have been
                                                                                                         in a diplomatic spat with Qatar since 2017,
                                                                                                         enthusiastically covered the outbreak as
                                                                                                         proof of Qatari callousness. But the situa-
                                                                                                         tion is the same in other Gulf states. The
           BEIRUT                                                                                        Saudi health ministry said on April 5th that
           Migrant workers in cramped dorms are falling ill
                                                                                                         53% of confirmed cases involved foreign-
              or well-off foreigners in Qatar, as in      dence suggests that the virus is spreading     ers. The share is probably higher now: mi-
           Fother Gulf states, social distancing is al-   fastest among labourers.                       grants account for about four in five recent
           most a way of life. Comfortable salaries pay      Qatar has received most attention. On       cases. The holy city of Mecca, with a large
           for suburban villas or seaside flats; private   March 11th it reported 238 cases of the virus  population of foreigners, has more con-
           cars are ubiquitous. For the labourers who     in a single residential compound in the In-    firmed infections than Riyadh, a city three
           make up the bulk of Qatar’s 2.8m people,       dustrial Area, home to more than 360,000       times the size. Doctors in the uae report a
           though, it is all but impossible. In the In-   people. It sealed off dozens of streets, an     similar trend among migrants.
           dustrial Area, a working-class district        area of nine square kilometres (3.5 square        Governments have taken some laudable
           south-west of Doha, the capital, some resi-                                                   steps. Testing is free for labourers, and
           dents sleep eight to a room, with scores of                                                   health ministries have been serious about
           men sharing bathrooms and kitchens.             The hard-working majority                     expanding it. Qatar has carried out 70,000
           Such living conditions are the perfect envi-    International migrants, 2019                  tests. The uae is doing more than 25,000 a
           ronment for a virus to spread.                  % of population                               day. Most countries have also pledged to
              The six members of the Gulf Co-opera-                          Migrant population, 2019, m  pay for covid-19 treatment regardless of the
           tion Council (gcc) acted early to contain                 0   20   40   60  80   100          patient’s nationality. But they have done far
           the novel coronavirus. By mid-March most        UAE                                  8.6      less about the teeming environments in
           had begun to impose restrictions on move-                                                     which millions of migrants live and work.
           ment and travel. But after weeks of slow        Qatar                                2.2         Almost everything in Dubai is closed.
           growth, new cases are rising quickly. Con-      Kuwait                               3.0      Anyone leaving home must apply for a per-
           firmed infections in Saudi Arabia more           Oman                                          mit granted for a few essential purposes.
           than doubled in the week from April 14th.                                            2.3      Only one family member may travel; speed
           Qatar has more cases than Ukraine, which        Bahrain                              0.7      cameras on the highways are used to catch
           is 16 times more populous. Although gcc         Saudi Arabia                         13.1     outlaws. Construction workers are ex-
           governments do not release data on the na-      Source: UN                                    empted from the lockdown, however. They
           tionalities of those infected, anecdotal evi-                                                 pile onto buses to and from job sites. Con- 1
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