Page 32 - Photoshop for Lightroom Users – Scott Kelby 2nd Edition
P. 32
Toolbar: Using Photoshop’s Toolbar
You’ll find all of Photoshop’s tools in the vertical Toolbar on the left side of the screen. Now, while there are quite a number of tools in the Toolbar
(compared to Lightroom’s six tools), don’t sweat it because there are a whole bunch of them we never ever use. Plus, once you see how Photoshop handles
working with tools, you’ll realize that it’s much easier than it appears at first glance. Here are the most important things to know about Photoshop’s
The Toolbar:
You’re probably familiar with using tools, since Lightroom has a horizontal toolbox in the Develop module, right below the histogram (shown here below,
on the right). Of course, it only has six tools, whereas Photoshop has 71 (don’t worry, you don’t have to learn them all. As photographers, we actually only
use a few of these tools. By the way, I switched back to the Essentials workspace here; see page 4 for more about workspaces). Photoshop’s Toolbar is
vertical (seen here, on the left) and runs along the left edge of the screen (although, if you want it somewhere else, you can click-and-hold right on the little
tab at the top of it, drag it right off the edge, and it becomes a floating Toolbar you can put wherever you want).