Page 36 - Photoshop for Lightroom Users – Scott Kelby 2nd Edition
P. 36
Tip: Photoshop’s Navigator Panel
If you like Lightroom’s Navigator panel, there’s one here in Photoshop, too. Go under the Window menu and choose Navigator. Use the slider beneath the
image thumbnail to zoom in/out (drag to the right to zoom in tighter; to the left to zoom out). Once you’ve zoomed in, you can click-and-drag the red
rectangle to where you want the zoom focus to be.
Zooming In/Out:
You zoom in/out in Photoshop using the same keyboard shortcuts that you use in Lightroom: Command-+ (plus sign; PC: Ctrl-+) to zoom in and
Command-– (minus sign; PC: Ctrl-–) to zoom out. To fit your image onscreen as large as it can fully be viewed, double-click on the Hand tool (its icon is
a hand) in the Toolbar. To jump right to a 100% (1:1) view, double-click on the Zoom tool (its icon is a magnifying glass). To zoom right in to a particular
area, get the Zoom tool (Z) and click-and-drag it in the area you want to zoom in tight on. Lastly, once you are zoomed in tight, you can use the scroll bars
on the right and bottom of the image window to move around, but it’s easier to just press-and-hold the Spacebar on your keyboard, which temporarily
switches you to the Hand tool, so you can click-and-drag around the image.
Collapsing Panels:
To give yourself more room to view your images, you have three ways to view your panels: (1) the regular full-panel view; (2) double-click directly on a
tab and it collapses down to just show its name (here, I collapsed the Layers and Adjustments panels, along with all the other panels nested with them); (3)
to tuck all the panels off to the right, so just their icons are showing, click on the two, tiny, right-facing arrows at the top-right of a panel. To see any panel
(along with those nested with it) full size again, click on its icon. To see all the panels again, click on the two, tiny, left-facing arrows at the top right of the
panel group.
Reordering & Closing Panels:
To change the order of nested panels, just click-and-drag a panel tab into the order you want (here, I’m dragging the History panel from the fourth position
to the second). To move a panel from one group to another, just click-and-drag its tab onto the other group’s tab. If you want to close a panel altogether and
remove it from a group, click-and-drag the panel out of its group and release it over your image area. Now, click the little X in its top-left corner to close it.