Page 58 - Microsoft Word - Hot Shots CIM Version 1.9.2 Final
P. 58

HG&L has been formed to be the holding company of as many wholly owned subsidiaries
                  as there will be Centres built across the UK. As such, HG&L will, over time, raise the funds
                  required to meet the cost of the first 5 Centres to be built in the UK. Thus the equity
                  funding  required  will  be  contributed  to  HG&L,  with  it's  £10  ordinary  shares  in  HG&L
                  currently held as follows and the investors shareholding to be agreed:

                                                           £10 Shares                   % Holding
                   Phil Harrison*                              66                        55.00%
                   Ian DW Robertson                            21                        17.50%

                   Malcolm Pearcey                             5                         4.20%
                   Keeping Inn Ltd (STR Group)                 16                        13.30%

                   Howsam Ltd                                  12                        10.00%
                   Investors                                   -                          TBA
                   Total                                                                  100%

                  Phil Harrison holds 12 shares for Howsam Ltd, as security for the repayment by HG&L
                  of the phase 1 £300,000 loan made by it to HG&L. That loan is repayable on financial
                  close.  It  was  made  to  fund  HG&L’s  working  capital  needs  during  the  period  up  to
                  recieving  planning  consent.  Following  the  delays  in  planning  it  has  been  fully  used.
                  discussions with funders are underway to meet the project expenses through to financial
                  close. Other loans made are from the HG&L Directors (20k) and Keeping Inn Ltd (63,381)

                  Together with the HG&L Articles of Association reflecting the shareholdings above and
                  the  various  shareholder  rights  needed  in  respect  of  them,  a  draft  shareholders ’
                  agreement has been prepared In Appendix 5.

                  The equity contributions, including the subscription premium on the £10 ordinary shares,
                  made to HG&L amount to £133,490. On financial close of the equity, contribution by
                  investors will comprise:

                  •  Up to £1.5m liabilities, including repayment of the above loans, and various other
                    pre- closing costs.

                  •  The balance of £6.5m to be lent to HNL to meet the costs of acquisition and
                    development of the Newcastle land and buildings.

                  •  Further contributions will follow in accordance with the HG&L and Newcastle
                    development cash flows in Appendix 4 to this CIM.

                  The balance of the cost of the Centre will be paid from the bank funding against usual
                  monthly certificates issued by Equals Consulting, employer’s agent to the project.

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