Page 29 - Vistra Demo
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Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 (WHCRA)
        If you or a covered dependent has a mastectomy, all medical plan options
        will cover all stages of reconstruction of the breast on which the mastectomy
        was performed, prostheses, treatment of other physical complications of the
        mastectomy, including lymphedema, and surgery and reconstruction of the                                         PLAN COST AND NOTICES
        other breast for symmetrical appearance in a manner determined in consultation
        with the attending physician and patient. Coverage will be subject to appropriate
        annual deductible and coinsurance provisions for the plan you choose. If you
        would like more information on WHCRA benefits, call the number on the back
        of your BlueCross BlueShield ID card.

        Notice Regarding Wellness Program
        The MyHealth Program is a voluntary wellness program available to all
        employees. The program is administered according to federal rules permitting
        employer-sponsored wellness programs that seek to improve employee health
        or prevent disease, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the
        Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, and the Health Insurance
        Portability and Accountability Act, as applicable, among others. If you choose
        to participate in the wellness program you will be asked to complete age and
        gender screenings as well as a routine physical exam, which may include a
        blood test for health risk factors like cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose level.
        You are not required to complete the screenings or to participate in the blood
        test or other medical examinations.
        However, employees who choose to participate in the wellness program will
        receive HSA funding for completing the age and gender screenings and annual
        physical. The amount of the HSA funding is dependent on the activities you
        complete and the coverage you choose. Although you are not required to
        complete the screenings or physical only employees who do so will receive the
        HSA funding.

        Additionally, tobacco users who do not quit using tobacco products or complete
        at least four sessions of the company-paid tobacco cessation program will pay a
        surcharge of $75 per month. If you are unable to participate in any of the health-
        related activities or achieve any of the health outcomes required to earn an
        incentive, you may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation or an alternative
        standard. You may request a reasonable accommodation or an alternative
        standard by contacting the EFH Benefits Service Center at or 844-4MY-WKDY.
        The information from your screenings and annual physical will be used to
        provide you with information to help you understand your current health and
        potential risks, and may also be used to offer you services through the wellness
        program, such as Livongo or Naturally Slim. You also are encouraged to share
        your results or concerns with your own doctor.

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