Page 10 - GLNG Week 33 2022
P. 10
Peru LNG resumes exports
after July shutdown
EXPORTS PERU LNG, the operator of a natural gas liq- The Peru LNG consortium has loaded and
uefaction plant and export terminal in Pampa delivered a total of 680 cargoes of LNG since its
Melchorita, resumed exports in the first two launch in June 2010.
weeks of August following a planned shutdown The group was established by US-based Hunt
in July. Oil along with three other companies. Equity in
According to data from Peru’s national oil the project is split between Hunt Oil, with 50%;
company (NOC) Perupetro, the Peru LNG con- SK Energy (South Korea), 20%; Shell (UK), 20%
sortium resumed loadings after completing its and Marubeni (Japan), 10%. The partners spent
maintenance programme and has loaded two $3.8bn to build the Pampa Melchorita complex.
cargoes since the beginning of August. The first Peru LNG operates a complex that includes
of these was the Barcelona Knutsen, a 173,400- a 4.45mn tonne per year (tpy) gas liquefaction
cubic metre tanker, which left port on August plant built by Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. (CBI)
2. The second was the LNGShips Athena, a and a marine terminal constructed by a consor-
174,000-cubic metre tanker, which departed tium known as CDB. (This group includes Ita-
from Peru LNG’s terminal on August 9. ly’s Saipem, Luxemburg’s Jan de Nul and Brazil’s
Perupetro did not say exactly how much LNG Odebrecht.)
either vessel was carrying. It did note, however, The LNG complex also incorporates a storage
that both ships were bound for the UK. There is depot with two 130,000-cubic metre tanks and
a chance that either could change destination en a 34-inch (860-mm) natural gas pipeline. This
route, it added. pipe handles gas from fields in the Cusco region
In June, Peru LNG’s last month of normal that are being developed by YPF, the national oil
business, the terminal loaded five cargoes con- company (NOC) of Argentina, and Repsol of
taining a total of 335,203 tonnes of LNG. The Spain. The link runs for 408 km from Chiquin-
last of these to leave was the Shandong Juniper, tirca, a town in the Ayacucho region, to the LNG
a 138,100-cubic metre vessel that was sailing for plant.
the European market.
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 33 19•August•2022